The Trumpet Judgements Unveiled
Chapter 6
The Fourth Trumpet
And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise. - Revelation 8:12
This trumpet has something happening that will cause 1/3rd of the sun, moon, and stars to be darkened. There is a problem with this rendering. There are not any supporting verses. There are numerous verses that are speaking about the sun, moon, and stars being darkened, but not by 1/3rd. For example; “...and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” in Revelation 6:12.
How do we rectify this dilemma? We go to the definition of the words third part and see what we can discover. We will find that the third part is actually the third time.
Third part means; third, a third part, or (as adverb) a (or the) third time, thirdly. [1]
The third time shows up in Ezekiel 21:14 “...and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain...”
The word doubled means; to repeat or fold together. [2] The phrase the third time [3] has virtually the same definition as a third part in Revelation 8:12.
To paraphrase this verse “Let the sword of the slain be repeated for the third time.”
Thirteen verses later in Ezekiel 21:27, we find a word that is repeated three times.
I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. - Ezekiel 21:27
The sword of the slain that is repeated the third time is the third overturn in Ezekiel 21:27. For this to be true there must be two previous accounts of two overturns in the past. The word overturn also means; to overthrow. [4] When you look up the word overthrow, you will find two previous times when an overthrow took place in the Old Testament.
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; [25] And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. - Genesis 19:24, 25
The word overthrew means; to turn about or over; by implication, overturn, overthrow. [5]
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. - Exodus 14:27
There are two accounts of two previous over turnings in the Old Testament. The third overthrow or overturning is just ahead in the form of The Tribulation.
Could there be a connection to the Whirlwind in the overturning? Of course there is.
Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north. - Job 37:9
The whirlwind that Job speaks about has a very interesting definition. It means; a hurricane, Red Sea, storm, tempest, whirlwind. [6]
Don’t you find it interesting that the definition for whirlwind has the phrase Red Sea in it? They are connected because both are overthrows. What is coming and what has already occurred. The overthrowing of the Egyptians in the Red Sea was a Whirlwind.
The root word for whirlwind is defined as; to snatch away, i.e. terminate:--consume, have an end, perish. [7]
A snatching away of the Multitude occurs not in the fable of the rapture, but in the form of the one that is taken, the reckoning. All of Babylon will eventually perish and have an end.
We have seen two accounts of an overthrow in the Old Testament. Are there any others? There are two accounts of an overthrow in the New Testament. Both were preformed by Jesus.
The first overthrow was when Jesus began his ministry. Just after He turned the water into wine, Jesus went to Capernaum, and then came to the temple in Jerusalem.
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; [16] And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. - John 2:15, 16
The second time Jesus overthrew the moneychanger’s tables, was when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem at the time of His crucifixion.
These accounts of Jesus overthrowing the moneychanger’s tables and driving them out of the temple have metaphors within them. The three groups of the church are within both of these accounts.
The moneychangers that are selling the animals are representative of the 1st third of the apostate, the Scorpions. They are greedy and covetous. They are receiving reward (payment) for the sale of animals that will be sacrificed.
The Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees that allow the moneychangers into the temple are representative of the 2nd third of the apostate, the Serpents. They have power, they are haughty, and prideful, for they are the ones that will perform the sacrificial killing of these animals. They believe they are important people doing the will of God. Jesus chases the leaven out of His Father’s house with a whip.
The sheep, oxen, and doves are metaphors for the Multitude. They are the lambs of the flock, the calves of the stall, [8] and the doves of the valley. [9]
When the Tribulation, the third overturn occurs, the Lord is going to chase the apostate out of His Temple with a whip. We can find reference of this in this next verse.
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. - Isaiah 28:18
The word scourge is; a lash, scourge or whip. [10] The whip comes down upon the Multitude which is trodden down by the Scorpions and then the Serpents.
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. - 2 Peter 2:3
This verse is speaking about the Scorpions. Through covetousness they will lie, (Feigned words) and sell out (Betray) the Multitude to the Serpents. The moneychangers (Scorpions) will make merchandise of the animals. (Multitude) This is yet another example that everything that Jesus did or said has valuable meaning.
Just three verses later, we read this verse.
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; - 2 Peter 2:6
Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. - 1Corinthians 10:11
These two verses are telling us that these, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the entire Exodus experience (Which would include the overthrow of the Egyptians) were written for our example. In fact, the whole Bible was written for our admonition. Interestingly, both of these examples just happen to be the two previous overthrows.
There are two overthrows/overturns in the Old Testament and two in the New Testament. The third overthrow/overturn is yet to come and is a completion of a cycle in both the Old and New Testaments and brings the two Testaments into unity.
This next verse is focused on the upcoming third overthrow/overturn.
And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. - Isaiah 13:19
This tells us that Babylon shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. They were overthrown. Babylon shall be overthrown. Who is Babylon? It is the church. And there is yet another link.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. - Revelation 11:8
The bodies of the two witnesses shall lie in the street of the great city. What city is that referring to? The two witnesses are a metaphoric identification for the Multitude.
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. - Revelation 14:8
It’s Babylon. The next part of the verse is very important: “which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt.” Babylon is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. Both Sodom and Egypt were overthrown, as Babylon shall be overthrown.
The rest of the verse gives us the final clue, “Where also our Lord was crucified.” Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. This is telling us that Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, and Jerusalem are one and the same spiritually.
And now we will come back to right where we started. There are proofs in the scripture which we call algorithms or loops. When one begins a particular study of a word or concept, a thread is established that weaves its way through scripture, crossing into and through definitions. The definitions lead to other words that lead to other scriptures and definitions, eventually returning to where the journey began.
We began by looking at the third part as the third time. The third time took us to the sword doubled the third time which brought us to the overturning. The definition of overturning gave us the next clue to the word overthrow.
With the word overthrow, we were able to locate two previous overthrows. The two previous overthrows of Egypt and Sodom linked to the third overthrow, that being Babylon in Isaiah 13:19 and Revelation 11:8.
There is one more clue that will bring us back to our original starting place, and that is the sun being darkened.
And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. - Genesis 19:25
Doing a reverse Strong's search on the word overthrew used for the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:25, we come to this verse: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” - Joel 2:31
The phrase shall be turned is the same word used for the word overthrow in Genesis 19:25. This is also a proof text for the whole sun being darkened, not just 1/3rd of it.
With this understanding, let’s read Revelation 8:12 using the third time. Keep in mind, this is not saying the sun, moon, and stars are darkened the third time, but at the third overturning or the third overthrow; the sun, moon, and stars shall be darkened.
And the fourth angel sounded, and (At the third overthrow) the sun was smitten, and (At the third overthrow) the moon, and (At the third overthrow) the stars; so as (At the third overthrow the sun, moon, and stars) was darkened, and the day shone not, (At the third overthrow) and the night likewise. - Revelation 8:12
This is how we see the fourth trumpet through spiritual eyes.
What about the shortening of the days? If the third part means at the third overturning, then how do the days get shortened? Let’s take a look at the shortening of the days.
This trumpet has something happening that will cause 1/3rd of the sun, moon, and stars to be darkened. There is a problem with this rendering. There are not any supporting verses. There are numerous verses that are speaking about the sun, moon, and stars being darkened, but not by 1/3rd. For example; “...and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood.” in Revelation 6:12.
How do we rectify this dilemma? We go to the definition of the words third part and see what we can discover. We will find that the third part is actually the third time.
Third part means; third, a third part, or (as adverb) a (or the) third time, thirdly. [1]
The third time shows up in Ezekiel 21:14 “...and let the sword be doubled the third time, the sword of the slain...”
The word doubled means; to repeat or fold together. [2] The phrase the third time [3] has virtually the same definition as a third part in Revelation 8:12.
To paraphrase this verse “Let the sword of the slain be repeated for the third time.”
Thirteen verses later in Ezekiel 21:27, we find a word that is repeated three times.
I will overturn, overturn, overturn, it: and it shall be no more, until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him. - Ezekiel 21:27
The sword of the slain that is repeated the third time is the third overturn in Ezekiel 21:27. For this to be true there must be two previous accounts of two overturns in the past. The word overturn also means; to overthrow. [4] When you look up the word overthrow, you will find two previous times when an overthrow took place in the Old Testament.
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; [25] And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. - Genesis 19:24, 25
The word overthrew means; to turn about or over; by implication, overturn, overthrow. [5]
And Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to his strength when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled against it; and the LORD overthrew the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. - Exodus 14:27
There are two accounts of two previous over turnings in the Old Testament. The third overthrow or overturning is just ahead in the form of The Tribulation.
Could there be a connection to the Whirlwind in the overturning? Of course there is.
Out of the south cometh the whirlwind: and cold out of the north. - Job 37:9
The whirlwind that Job speaks about has a very interesting definition. It means; a hurricane, Red Sea, storm, tempest, whirlwind. [6]
Don’t you find it interesting that the definition for whirlwind has the phrase Red Sea in it? They are connected because both are overthrows. What is coming and what has already occurred. The overthrowing of the Egyptians in the Red Sea was a Whirlwind.
The root word for whirlwind is defined as; to snatch away, i.e. terminate:--consume, have an end, perish. [7]
A snatching away of the Multitude occurs not in the fable of the rapture, but in the form of the one that is taken, the reckoning. All of Babylon will eventually perish and have an end.
We have seen two accounts of an overthrow in the Old Testament. Are there any others? There are two accounts of an overthrow in the New Testament. Both were preformed by Jesus.
The first overthrow was when Jesus began his ministry. Just after He turned the water into wine, Jesus went to Capernaum, and then came to the temple in Jerusalem.
And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; [16] And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise. - John 2:15, 16
The second time Jesus overthrew the moneychanger’s tables, was when Jesus arrived in Jerusalem at the time of His crucifixion.
These accounts of Jesus overthrowing the moneychanger’s tables and driving them out of the temple have metaphors within them. The three groups of the church are within both of these accounts.
The moneychangers that are selling the animals are representative of the 1st third of the apostate, the Scorpions. They are greedy and covetous. They are receiving reward (payment) for the sale of animals that will be sacrificed.
The Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees that allow the moneychangers into the temple are representative of the 2nd third of the apostate, the Serpents. They have power, they are haughty, and prideful, for they are the ones that will perform the sacrificial killing of these animals. They believe they are important people doing the will of God. Jesus chases the leaven out of His Father’s house with a whip.
The sheep, oxen, and doves are metaphors for the Multitude. They are the lambs of the flock, the calves of the stall, [8] and the doves of the valley. [9]
When the Tribulation, the third overturn occurs, the Lord is going to chase the apostate out of His Temple with a whip. We can find reference of this in this next verse.
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. - Isaiah 28:18
The word scourge is; a lash, scourge or whip. [10] The whip comes down upon the Multitude which is trodden down by the Scorpions and then the Serpents.
And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. - 2 Peter 2:3
This verse is speaking about the Scorpions. Through covetousness they will lie, (Feigned words) and sell out (Betray) the Multitude to the Serpents. The moneychangers (Scorpions) will make merchandise of the animals. (Multitude) This is yet another example that everything that Jesus did or said has valuable meaning.
Just three verses later, we read this verse.
And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; - 2 Peter 2:6
Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come. - 1Corinthians 10:11
These two verses are telling us that these, Sodom and Gomorrah, and the entire Exodus experience (Which would include the overthrow of the Egyptians) were written for our example. In fact, the whole Bible was written for our admonition. Interestingly, both of these examples just happen to be the two previous overthrows.
There are two overthrows/overturns in the Old Testament and two in the New Testament. The third overthrow/overturn is yet to come and is a completion of a cycle in both the Old and New Testaments and brings the two Testaments into unity.
This next verse is focused on the upcoming third overthrow/overturn.
And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees' excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. - Isaiah 13:19
This tells us that Babylon shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. They were overthrown. Babylon shall be overthrown. Who is Babylon? It is the church. And there is yet another link.
And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. - Revelation 11:8
The bodies of the two witnesses shall lie in the street of the great city. What city is that referring to? The two witnesses are a metaphoric identification for the Multitude.
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. - Revelation 14:8
It’s Babylon. The next part of the verse is very important: “which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt.” Babylon is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. Both Sodom and Egypt were overthrown, as Babylon shall be overthrown.
The rest of the verse gives us the final clue, “Where also our Lord was crucified.” Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. This is telling us that Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, and Jerusalem are one and the same spiritually.
And now we will come back to right where we started. There are proofs in the scripture which we call algorithms or loops. When one begins a particular study of a word or concept, a thread is established that weaves its way through scripture, crossing into and through definitions. The definitions lead to other words that lead to other scriptures and definitions, eventually returning to where the journey began.
We began by looking at the third part as the third time. The third time took us to the sword doubled the third time which brought us to the overturning. The definition of overturning gave us the next clue to the word overthrow.
With the word overthrow, we were able to locate two previous overthrows. The two previous overthrows of Egypt and Sodom linked to the third overthrow, that being Babylon in Isaiah 13:19 and Revelation 11:8.
There is one more clue that will bring us back to our original starting place, and that is the sun being darkened.
And he overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground. - Genesis 19:25
Doing a reverse Strong's search on the word overthrew used for the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19:25, we come to this verse: “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come.” - Joel 2:31
The phrase shall be turned is the same word used for the word overthrow in Genesis 19:25. This is also a proof text for the whole sun being darkened, not just 1/3rd of it.
With this understanding, let’s read Revelation 8:12 using the third time. Keep in mind, this is not saying the sun, moon, and stars are darkened the third time, but at the third overturning or the third overthrow; the sun, moon, and stars shall be darkened.
And the fourth angel sounded, and (At the third overthrow) the sun was smitten, and (At the third overthrow) the moon, and (At the third overthrow) the stars; so as (At the third overthrow the sun, moon, and stars) was darkened, and the day shone not, (At the third overthrow) and the night likewise. - Revelation 8:12
This is how we see the fourth trumpet through spiritual eyes.
What about the shortening of the days? If the third part means at the third overturning, then how do the days get shortened? Let’s take a look at the shortening of the days.
The Shortening of the Days
The days that are shortened are not the days of the Tribulation. The length of the Tribulation doesn’t change. Also, with the following understanding, the length of the day does not change.
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. [23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. [24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25] Behold, I have told you before. - Matthew 24:22-25
In these verses, we are told that there is going to be a shortening of the days. In fact, unless the days are shortened, there wouldn’t be any flesh saved. So, for the elect’s sake the Lord is going to shorten the days. But what is he speaking about. Our 1st clue is in the last verse, “Behold, I have told you before.”
Do you know of anywhere where Jesus told us about these things before? It certainly isn’t in the New Testament. That only leaves the Old Testament, and that is where we will find the answers. Let’s first take a look at the definitions in these verses above.
Shortened means; to dock, i.e. (figuratively) abridge, shorten. [11] Its root means; (dwarf); properly, to curtail,…(figuratively) to chastise (or reserve for infliction), punish. [12]
The root word for shorten has chastisement and punish in the definition. Both are attributable to the Multitude and the wicked. The Multitude is chastised and the wicked are punished. We can now begin to see that the shortening of the days has something to do with both the Multitude and the wicked. Let’s take a look at the word those in the phrase “those days shall be shortened.”
The word those, has within its definition; that one, he, it, their, they, those. [13] The one that catches the eye is the word their. The word “their” is a possessive pronoun of the word “they.” Since we have “they;” the two groups described within the definition of shorten, the Multitude and the apostate; this would be the most likely word to use.
With this in mind, let’s reread that verse with their inserted in the place of those. “And except their days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake their days shall be shortened.”
Now we have something to go on. If you do a word search for the word shortened, you’ll come to these verses.
The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. - Proverbs 10:27
This verse tells us that “the years (Which are also days) of the wicked shall be shortened.” That is very direct. Who are the wicked? They are the Serpents and the Scorpions, but what about the Multitude? This next verse is spoken by the Multitude. If you read the context of the verses surrounding this verse, there is no doubt who this is speaking about.
To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death; [21] To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; [22] When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the LORD. [23] He weakened my strength in the way; he shortened my days. - Psalm 102:20-23
Yes, this is speaking about the Multitude. “To loose those that are appointed to death.” The Lord frees the Multitude from their bondage and oppression and heals the stroke of their wound upon their death. They are gathered together from the four winds into the Kingdom of God. And the Multitude states “he shortened my days.”
Both the Multitude’s days and the wicked’s days are shortened. Let’s take a look at the definition for the word shortened used in these verses.
The word shortened means; to dock off, i.e. curtail, especially to harvest (grass or grain), cut down, reap. [14]
This definition for shortened in the Old Testament has the same words of dock and curtail as the definition in the New Testament. This definition even has the phrase “to harvest grass or grain,” and the word “reap.” Can you read the wheat and the tares? The Multitude is the wheat. The wicked are the tares. (Grass) Investigating even further, we find this next verse.
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. - Psalm 55:23
The “bloody and deceitful men” days are shortened. They won’t live out half of their days. Who are the bloody and deceitful men? The bloody men are the Serpents and the deceitful men are the Scorpions. We now have the identification of not only the wicked’s days being shortened, but the two fold alliance of the wicked men are identified in the shortening of the days. This next verse totally identifies not just the wicked, but also the Multitude in the same verse and it infers the shortened days of both groups.
Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? - Ecclesiastes 7:17
Now we are told that the wicked and the foolish die before their time. We know who the wicked represent; the Serpents and the Scorpions. Who are the foolish? It is the Multitude. The Multitude is represented by the five foolish virgins in the parable of the ten virgins.
The shortening of the days is referring to the wicked and the foolish dying before their time. They don’t get to live to the ripe old age of 92 and pass away in their sleep. They won’t be dying in a car accident at age 49. Their days are shortened by the Lord. Their days are shortened because if the Lord didn’t shorten their days, the wicked would eventually cause the entire Multitude to slip into hell. “…but for the elect’s sake (The Multitude) their days shall be shortened.”
He cuts their lives short so that they will make it to the Kingdom of Heaven and receive eternal life. And yes, He has told us these things before, for His Words are Eternal.
This now brings into conformity the verses concerning the day not shining for a third part of it, and the night likewise. It is referring to the third overturning when the sun will not shine and the moon and stars likewise. If the shortening of the days has nothing to do with the physical day and night not shining, then what is this referring to?
To answer that question we need to focus not on the physical (Terrestrial) sun, moon and stars, but on the spiritual (Celestial) sun, moon and stars. For these are metaphors, when understood, will bring the scriptures into complete clarity and uniformity.
1. Strong’s 5154
2. Strong’s 3717
3. Strong’s 7992
4. Strong’s 5754
5. Strong’s 2015
6. Strong’s 5492
7. Strong’s 5486
8. Amos 6:4
9. Ezekiel 7:16
10. Strong’s 7752
11. Strong’s 2856
12. Strong’s 2849
13. Strong’s 1565
14. Strong’s 7114
And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. [23] Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. [24] For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 25] Behold, I have told you before. - Matthew 24:22-25
In these verses, we are told that there is going to be a shortening of the days. In fact, unless the days are shortened, there wouldn’t be any flesh saved. So, for the elect’s sake the Lord is going to shorten the days. But what is he speaking about. Our 1st clue is in the last verse, “Behold, I have told you before.”
Do you know of anywhere where Jesus told us about these things before? It certainly isn’t in the New Testament. That only leaves the Old Testament, and that is where we will find the answers. Let’s first take a look at the definitions in these verses above.
Shortened means; to dock, i.e. (figuratively) abridge, shorten. [11] Its root means; (dwarf); properly, to curtail,…(figuratively) to chastise (or reserve for infliction), punish. [12]
The root word for shorten has chastisement and punish in the definition. Both are attributable to the Multitude and the wicked. The Multitude is chastised and the wicked are punished. We can now begin to see that the shortening of the days has something to do with both the Multitude and the wicked. Let’s take a look at the word those in the phrase “those days shall be shortened.”
The word those, has within its definition; that one, he, it, their, they, those. [13] The one that catches the eye is the word their. The word “their” is a possessive pronoun of the word “they.” Since we have “they;” the two groups described within the definition of shorten, the Multitude and the apostate; this would be the most likely word to use.
With this in mind, let’s reread that verse with their inserted in the place of those. “And except their days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake their days shall be shortened.”
Now we have something to go on. If you do a word search for the word shortened, you’ll come to these verses.
The fear of the LORD prolongeth days: but the years of the wicked shall be shortened. - Proverbs 10:27
This verse tells us that “the years (Which are also days) of the wicked shall be shortened.” That is very direct. Who are the wicked? They are the Serpents and the Scorpions, but what about the Multitude? This next verse is spoken by the Multitude. If you read the context of the verses surrounding this verse, there is no doubt who this is speaking about.
To hear the groaning of the prisoner; to loose those that are appointed to death; [21] To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem; [22] When the people are gathered together, and the kingdoms, to serve the LORD. [23] He weakened my strength in the way; he shortened my days. - Psalm 102:20-23
Yes, this is speaking about the Multitude. “To loose those that are appointed to death.” The Lord frees the Multitude from their bondage and oppression and heals the stroke of their wound upon their death. They are gathered together from the four winds into the Kingdom of God. And the Multitude states “he shortened my days.”
Both the Multitude’s days and the wicked’s days are shortened. Let’s take a look at the definition for the word shortened used in these verses.
The word shortened means; to dock off, i.e. curtail, especially to harvest (grass or grain), cut down, reap. [14]
This definition for shortened in the Old Testament has the same words of dock and curtail as the definition in the New Testament. This definition even has the phrase “to harvest grass or grain,” and the word “reap.” Can you read the wheat and the tares? The Multitude is the wheat. The wicked are the tares. (Grass) Investigating even further, we find this next verse.
But thou, O God, shalt bring them down into the pit of destruction: bloody and deceitful men shall not live out half their days; but I will trust in thee. - Psalm 55:23
The “bloody and deceitful men” days are shortened. They won’t live out half of their days. Who are the bloody and deceitful men? The bloody men are the Serpents and the deceitful men are the Scorpions. We now have the identification of not only the wicked’s days being shortened, but the two fold alliance of the wicked men are identified in the shortening of the days. This next verse totally identifies not just the wicked, but also the Multitude in the same verse and it infers the shortened days of both groups.
Be not over much wicked, neither be thou foolish: why shouldest thou die before thy time? - Ecclesiastes 7:17
Now we are told that the wicked and the foolish die before their time. We know who the wicked represent; the Serpents and the Scorpions. Who are the foolish? It is the Multitude. The Multitude is represented by the five foolish virgins in the parable of the ten virgins.
The shortening of the days is referring to the wicked and the foolish dying before their time. They don’t get to live to the ripe old age of 92 and pass away in their sleep. They won’t be dying in a car accident at age 49. Their days are shortened by the Lord. Their days are shortened because if the Lord didn’t shorten their days, the wicked would eventually cause the entire Multitude to slip into hell. “…but for the elect’s sake (The Multitude) their days shall be shortened.”
He cuts their lives short so that they will make it to the Kingdom of Heaven and receive eternal life. And yes, He has told us these things before, for His Words are Eternal.
This now brings into conformity the verses concerning the day not shining for a third part of it, and the night likewise. It is referring to the third overturning when the sun will not shine and the moon and stars likewise. If the shortening of the days has nothing to do with the physical day and night not shining, then what is this referring to?
To answer that question we need to focus not on the physical (Terrestrial) sun, moon and stars, but on the spiritual (Celestial) sun, moon and stars. For these are metaphors, when understood, will bring the scriptures into complete clarity and uniformity.
1. Strong’s 5154
2. Strong’s 3717
3. Strong’s 7992
4. Strong’s 5754
5. Strong’s 2015
6. Strong’s 5492
7. Strong’s 5486
8. Amos 6:4
9. Ezekiel 7:16
10. Strong’s 7752
11. Strong’s 2856
12. Strong’s 2849
13. Strong’s 1565
14. Strong’s 7114