The Trumpet Judgements Unveiled
Glossary of Metaphors
Abomination of Desolation - The Abomination of Desolation was spoken about by Jesus in the gospels warning those that see (Understand, perceive) this occur, they are to flee Judea, (Spiritual/church/Babylon) Matthew 24:15, Mark 13:14, Luke 21:20. The Abomination of Desolation is the term that is applied to the rule of the Antichrist Spirit that will indwell the Serpents and the Scorpion. The execution of the Multitude is the “Abomination of Desolation” also known as ‘Abomination that maketh Desolate”, Daniel 11:31, 12:11. We will be able to recognize it because the scripture tells us “when ye shall see”. This tells us that we will recognize it.
Asses - The asses (Jack) are a metaphor for the Serpents. They are actually wild asses that do as they please. You can find verses pertaining to this group; the wild asses of the desert, Job 24:5, the wild asses that stand upon the high places, Jeremiah 14:6, and other references, Isaiah 30:6, 32:14, Ezekiel 23:20. There is a chariot of asses that arrives as the second woe or the 6th trumpet in Isaiah 21:7.
Babylon - Babylon is the church construct that is divided into thirds in Revelation 16:19. It is comprised of three parts, the 2/3 apostate and the Multitude. Babylon’s destruction is caused by an implosion. The 2/3 apostate come upon the Multitude and destroys the 1/3. The destruction of Babylon is detailed in Jeremiah 50, 51 and Revelation 18. Babylon falls (Is fallen, is fallen) at the 5th and 6th trumpets which occur concurrently.
Border of Wickedness - The Border of Wickedness is the name the Lord has given to the area of the spiritual wickedness that the Serpents and Scorpions possess.
Beasts of the earth - The Lord tells us of celestial and terrestrial divisions of groups of flesh and the host of heaven in 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. There are two groups of beasts of the earth. One is terrestrial; normal fleshly beasts of the earth and one celestial; the spiritual beasts of the earth. The celestial beasts of the earth are the Serpents that devour the flesh (Murder) of the Multitude, Deuteronomy 28:26, Psalm 79:2, Isaiah 18:6, Jeremiah 7:33, 15:3, 16:4, 19:7, 34:20, Revelation 6:8.
Beasts of the earth are one of the four sore judgements of the Lord, Jeremiah 15:3. The beasts of the earth are paired together with the fowls of the heaven in the verses quoted above. The beasts of the earth are also referred to as the beasts of the field and occasionally the beasts in the forest, Psalm 104.20, Isaiah 56:9, Micah 5:8. They are all one and the same.
Brass - The brass is representative of the Serpents. The brass serpent that Moses made in Num. 21:9 was constructed for those that were bitten by the fiery serpents in the wilderness, Num. 21:6. The heavens and earth above and below the Multitude will be as brass and iron, Leviticus 26:19, Deuteronomy 28:23. In Jeremiah 6:28, it states that the grievous revolters of Israel are all corrupters. They are full of slanders, they are brass and iron. The Lord esteems brass as rotten wood, Job 41:27.
Briers - The briers are the Scorpions. They are always spoken about as one of a pair, the thorns and the briers. Briers and thorns grow up in the vineyard, and Israel, which are one and the same, Isaiah 5:6, 7:23, 32:13. They come up in the rebellious house, (Revolters) Ezekiel 2:6. They mount up (Rise up) from the smoke of the pit, Isaiah 9:18, Revelation 9:2, 3. They are totally destroyed, Isaiah 10:17, Heb. 6:8.
Calves of the stall - The calves of the stall are the Multitude and can include the 144,000. The Multitude are eaten by the ones lying upon beds of ivory and stretched upon beds, Amos 6:4. The Lord (Sun of righteousness) arises with healing in his wings. (Heals the stroke of the Multitude’s wound) The 144,000 grows up like calves in the stall, Malachi 4:2. The calves (Oxen) are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15.
Chariots - The chariots are the metaphoric militaristic vehicle that the Serpents and Scorpions come riding in on to crush the Multitude. The three chariots of Isaiah 21:7 are the three woes of Revelation, the 5th, 6th, and 7th trumpets. There are numerous verses speaking about chariots coming against the Multitude, Isaiah 22:7, 66:15, Jeremiah 4:13, 46:9, Ezekiel 23:24, 26:7, 26:10, 39:20, Daniel 11:40, Joel 2:5, Nahum 2:3,4, 3:2. Jeremiah 4:13 and Isaiah 66:15 state “his chariots shall be as the whirlwind.” The sound of the wings of the locusts (Scorpions) in the 5th trumpet is as the sound of chariots, Revelation 9:9.
Doves - Doves are a metaphor for the Multitude. They are the doves of the valley in Ezekiel 7:16. The doves are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15, 16.
Eagle - The eagle can be a metaphor of the protection, Exodus 19:4, Isaiah 40:31, Revelation 12:14, or it can be a metaphor for destruction in the form of the Serpents, Jeremiah 4:13, Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37. The eagles (Serpents) are gathered around the bodies of those that are taken, the ones taken being the Multitude. Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37.
Esau Effect - The Esau Effect is the apostate church following in the footsteps of Esau in giving away their birthright. They give away their birthright to the physical Israel and the physical Jew. Through this process, they lift up the physical nation of Israel and the physical Jews as the chosen people. The spiritual Edomites blasphemy the spiritual Jews, the Multitude; who claim their spiritual birthright. This is also one of the Four Transgressions spoken about in Amos.
Fig Tree - The fig tree is a metaphor for both physical and spiritual Israel on two different layers. The establishment of Israel in 1948 is the fig tree that today’s church looks towards. The spiritual fig tree is today’s modern church. The branch that shoots forth on the fig tree are the Serpents and the Scorpions. The locusts (Scorpions) debark (Strip) the fig tree and make the branches white (Multitude) in Joel 1:7. The Lord comes upon a fig tree that is not producing any fruit (The church is fruitless) and curses it, Matthew 21:19-21, Mark 11:13, 11:20, 21. The stars (Serpents) that fall from heaven are as untimely (Unripe) figs, Revelation 6:13.
Fire - Fire is one of the two components of the 1st trumpet that burns up the 1/3rd of the trees. (Multitude) Fire is a metaphor for not only the Lord’s wrath but also the Scorpions. Fire kindles in the south forest (The Scorpions are identified as the South) and burns to the north, (The Serpents are identified as the North) Ezekiel 20:47. The Lord shall “kindle a fire” is spoken about in many verses, Jeremiah 17:27, 21:14, 43:12, 49:27, 50:32, Ezekiel 20:47, Amos 1:14. Fire is a metaphor for the devouring, consuming, and destruction of the Multitude by the Scorpions and then the Serpents.
Fishes - The Lord tells us of celestial and terrestrial divisions of groups of flesh and the hosts of heaven in 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. There are two groups of fishes. One is terrestrial; normal fleshly fish of the sea and one celestial (Spiritual) fish of the sea. The Lord makes men as the fishes, Habakkuk 1:14.
An evil net is a metaphor for catching fish and is likened to snaring a man in an evil time, Ecclesiastes 9:12. The Lord likens the kingdom of heaven to a net cast into the sea and the catch being brought to shore. The good and the bad fish are separated from one another. The good are put into vessels and the bad are cast away, Matthew 13:47-50. In the second trumpet, 1/3 of the creatures (Fish) that had life died, (Multitude) Revelation 8:9. The fish of the rivers (Multitude) will be meat for the fowls of the heaven (Serpents and Scorpions) and the beasts of the field, (Serpents and Scorpions) Ezekiel 29:5.
Fowls of the heaven - The fowls of the heaven are again divided into celestial and terrestrial groups, 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. The terrestrial (Earthly) birds are the birds you see every day. The celestial (Spiritual) fowls of the heaven are the Serpents and Scorpions. There are numerous passages referring to the fowls of the heaven, Jeremiah 7:33, 15:3, 19:7, 34:20, Ezekiel 29:5, 31:13, 32:4. The fowls of the heaven (Serpents and Scorpions) are always paired with the beasts of the earth (Serpents and Scorpions) in the prophetic books. The fowls of the heaven are also one of the four sore judgements of the Lord, Jeremiah 15:3.
Grass - The grass is a metaphor for flesh, possessions, wealth, or riches, Psalms 37:2, 92:7, 129:6, Isaiah 37:27, 40:6,7, James 1:10,11, 1 Peter 1:24. All of the green grass of the Multitude is burned up. The grass is burned up and the Multitude is stripped of all of their possessions. The tares (Serpents and Scorpions) are also defined as grass, Psalm 92:7. The green grass is also the possessions of the rich man. The flower of the grass is equated to the grace (Goodliness) of that person, James 1:10, 11.
Hail - Hail are pieces of ice. Hail comes down at the 1st trumpet and is coupled with fire. (Scorpions) Hail is a metaphor for the Serpents. Hail was one of the ten plagues that came down upon Egypt at the time of the Exodus, Exodus 9:23. Hail comes down upon the forest, (Trees which are people, namely the Multitude) Isaiah 32:19. Hail is part of the overflowing scourge/storm that comes down upon the Multitude Isaiah 28:2, Isaiah 28:17.
Horses - Horses show up in both the 5th and 6th trumpets. The Scorpions have an appearance of horses prepared for battle. The Serpents are an army of horsemen. Horses are in many verses. Just a few verses are quoted here. A couple of these even have the horses connected to the whirlwind, Isaiah 5:28, Jeremiah 4:13, 6:23, 47:3, 51:27. A chariot of horses shows up as the first woe in Isaiah 21:7.
Iron - The breastplates of the Scorpions worn in the 5th trumpet are iron. Iron signifies bondage, Deuteronomy 28:48, Jeremiah 28:14. The heavens and earth above and below the Multitude will be as iron (Scorpions) and brass, (Serpents) Leviticus 26:19, Deuteronomy 28:23. In Jeremiah 6:28, it states that the grievous revolters of Israel are corrupters, and are full of slanders, which are brass (Serpents) and iron. (Scorpions) The Lord esteems iron (Scorpions) as straw, Job 41:27.
Israel - Israel used in the Bible is speaking about the church, both the apostate and the remnant. The verse and its context determine which group of Israel is being spoken about. The names Judah, Jerusalem, Jacob, and other names are speaking about Israel. “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel”, Romans 9:6
Judas Cycle - The Judas Cycle is the replay of the entire betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. (Serpents) They accused Jesus of blasphemy and brought him to Pontius Pilate who put Jesus to death.
This entire event will be replayed again with the Scorpions as Judas, the Serpents as the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees and the beast government as Pontius Pilate. The Multitude will be in the position of Jesus. They will be accused of blasphemy and sentenced to death for standing for the Truth through Jesus Christ.
Lambs of the flock - The lambs of the flock are the Multitude. They are the pieces of the lamb that are removed by the shepherd from the lion’s mouth, Amos 3:12. They are taken out of Samaria and Damascus in this fashion. Those that lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon couches (Serpents and Scorpions) eat the lambs (Multitude) out of the flock, Amos 6:4. The lambs (Multitude) are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers (Scorpions) were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15.
Leopard - The leopard is a metaphor for the Scorpions. They are fast and watchful, Jeremiah 5:6, Habakkuk 1:8 Hosea 13:7. The leopard is also one of the three attributes of the final beast, Revelation 13:2.
Lion - The lion is a metaphor for both the Scorpions and the Serpents. The Scorpions have the teeth of a lion and the Serpents have the mouth of a lion. A lion is seen by the watchman in Isaiah 21:8 which is defined as a violent gathering, Strong’s 738, 717. This lion is seen at the arrival of the three chariots. (Three woes) The children of Israel will be taken out of the lion’s mouth (Serpents and Scorpions) by the shepherd (Jesus Christ) in Amos 3:12. The lion is also a component of the final beast, Revelation 13:2. There are numerous verses portraying the lion as a devourer. The devil is referred to as a roaring lion in 1 Peter 5:8. The lion can also be Jesus Christ, Revelation 5:5, the Multitude, Daniel 7:4, and the 144,000, Micah 5:7, 8
Locusts - The locusts in the 5th trumpet are a metaphor for the 1st third of the apostate that play the role of Judas. (Scorpions) They betray the Multitude for reward. They strip the Multitude of their possessions as locusts strip vegetation. They are an army of 4 types of locusts in Joel 1:4 and Joel 2:25. Locusts were one of the ten plagues of Egypt, Exodus 10:14. Locusts are spoken about as a creature that spoils (The possessions of the Multitude) the people, (Multitude) Isaiah 33:4, Nahum 3:15, 17.
Moon - The moon can be a terrestrial (Physical) moon, or a celestial (Spiritual) moon. (Multitude) 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that there are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial moon is a metaphor for the Multitude. The celestial moon is darkened. (Multitude is in apostasy and then killed) Joel 2:10, 3:15, Revelation 8:12 and it will be turned into blood, (Multitude’s blood) Joel 2:21, Acts 2:20 The moon (Multitude) will also not give her light, Isaiah 13:10, Ezekiel 32:7, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24 When the Multitude comes to the truth, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun. Isaiah 30:26
Mountain burning with fire - The mountain burning with fire in the 2nd trumpet (Revelation 8:8) is a metaphor for Babylon. It is described in Jeremiah 51:25 as a destroying mountain. It is also the mount of corruption in 2 Kings 23:13. This is where Soloman built the high places for Ashteroth, Chemosh, and Milcom. The definition for destroying mountain and mount of corruption is the same definition. Strong’s 4889
Multitude – The Multitude is the “great multitude” spoken about in Revelation 7:14. There are numerous metaphors used for the Multitude. They are doves of the valley in Ezekiel 7:16, remnant, daughter of the Chaldeans in Isaiah 47:1, 47:5, daughter of Babylon in Psalm 137:8 and many more, daughter of Zion in Isaiah 1:8 and many more, daughter of Jerusalem in Micah 4:8 and many more, etc. They are identified also as Ephraim and the two witnesses in Revelation 11. The land where the Multitude is located is Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Ar, Kir, Moab, Samaria, Damascus, Tyrus, Edom, Zidon, and numerous other locations.
North - The north is associated with the Serpents. They are the army that comes from the north. Jeremiah 1:14,15, 4:6, 6:1, 6:22, 10:22, 25:9, 46:20,24, 47:2, 50:3,9,41, 51:48, Ezekiel 9:2, 26:7, 38:15, Daniel chapter 11. The north is cold and dreary. The hail of the 1st trumpet is ice which represents the Serpents. The north is also referred to as the winter house in Amos 3:15. The beasts of the field (Serpents) shall winter upon them, (Multitude) Isaiah 18:6. The Serpents (North and ice) are also associated with Core, Jude 1:11. The definition for Core is ice. Strong’s 7141
Overturn - The word overturn is used as an alternative word for overthrew or overthrow. It is directly associated with the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the overthrow of the Egyptians in the Red Sea. These were the first and second overturns. The term overturn is repeated 3 times in Ezekiel 21:27. The third overthrow is of Babylon (Isaiah 13:19) which is also the Tribulation.
Scorpions - The Scorpions as they are referred to throughout this book are actually described in the 5th trumpet as locusts with the tail of a scorpion. They are the 1st third of the apostate that betray the Multitude to the Serpents and strip the Multitude of their possessions in the role of Judas Iscariot. The Scorpions showed up in the trek through the wilderness in Deuteronomy 8:15. Scorpions are found in the rebellious house (Israel) in Ezekiel 2:6.
The Lord gives the 144,000 the power to tread on serpents and scorpions in Luke 10:19. The sting of the scorpion as when ‘he striketh a man’ is metaphorically the betrayal of the Multitude. Compare the definitions for the words striketh and betray, Strong’s, striketh 3817 and betray 3860, 1325. They are almost identical, if fact, some of the definitions match word for word. In the Old Testament the word scorpion is defined as a knotted whip or scourge, Strong’s 6137.
Serpents - The Serpents are the 6th trumpet metaphor for the 2nd third of the apostate. They are in the role of the Scribes, Pharisees, and the Sadducees. Jesus and John the Baptist referred to these groups of apostate Jews as serpents and vipers, Matthew 3:7, 12:34, 23:33, Luke 3:7. They take on the role of their father (Satan) in John 8:44, who is Leviathan. (A dragon - Satan) The Serpents also go by the names of adder(s), asp(s), cockatrices, viper(s), and dragon(s).
The definition for dragons and serpents is the same word. Dragons can be found in the following verses; Isaiah 13:22, 34:13, 35:7, 43:20, Jeremiah 9:11, 10:22, 14:6, 49:33, 51:37. Mount Esau’s heritage was laid waste and left for the dragons of the wilderness in Malachi 1:3. The Lord sent fiery serpents to Israel in the wilderness in Deuteronomy 8:15. One of the curses that come upon the people is serpents, Deuteronomy 32:24.
Ships - Ships are a metaphor for people, specifically people of the church. They are vessels upon the sea of Babylon. The 1/3rd of the ships that are destroyed in the 2nd trumpet are the Multitude, Revelation 8:9. The definitions tell us that the ships are sailors that are plunged through the sea and their clothes (Robes) are laundered or washed, Strong’s 4126, 4150, and 3068. In one of the definitions there is the word furnished, Strong’s 4130 which links us to Matthew 22:10 which is the parable about the wedding being furnished with guests. (Multitude)
Son of Perdition - The son of perdition was Judas Iscariot, John 17:12. The future son of perdition shows up in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 speaking about the end time group (Scorpions) that goes bad. They don’t love the truth (Apostate) and have pleasure in unrighteousness. They are damned and are lost, 2 Thessalonians 2:12, John 17:12. This group is the Scorpions.
South - The south is associated with the Scorpions. The fire of the 1st trumpet kindles in the south forest, Ezekiel 20:47. The south is associated with heat (Fire) in Luke 12:55. There are many verses which use the word south to identify the Scorpions, Isaiah 30:6, 43:6, Jeremiah 13:19, Ezekiel 20:46, 47, 21:4, Zechariah 9:14, Daniel chapter 11.
Stars - The stars are a metaphor for the Serpents. The stars can be terrestrial (Physical) stars, or celestial (Spiritual) stars. 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that there are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial stars are a metaphor for the Serpents, the 2nd third of the apostate.
The Serpents exalt themselves and set their nest in the stars, Obadiah 1:4. The stars are darkened or don’t give their light in Isaiah 13:10, Ezekiel 32:7, Joel 2:10, 3:15, Revelation 8:12. The stars fall to earth, Daniel 8:10, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:25, Revelation 6:13, Revelation 12:4. The wandering stars are called the raging waves of the sea, Jude 1:13.
There are three constellations that are comprised of the stars; Arcturus, (Serpents) Orion,
(Scorpions) and Pleiades. (Which is comprised of seven stars and is called ‘The Seven Sisters’ which represents the ‘Seven Churches’ which is the Multitude)
Summer - Summer is associated with the Scorpions. It is hot (Fire) and dry. (Scorpions have no Truth or Living Water) In the parable of the fig tree, we are told that when its branch shoots forth and leaves appear (The beast system arises) that summer (Scorpions) is near. (Scorpions are at the door) The 5th trumpet, the Scorpions, fire and heat are on their way, Matthew 24:32, Mark 13:28, Luke 21:30. The Scorpions are the fowls of the heaven and they shall summer upon the Multitude, Isaiah 18:6. The Scorpions are also the sun and Lord will smite the summer house in Amos 3:15, just as the sun is smitten in Revelation 8:12.
Sun - The sun is a terrestrial (Physical) sun, or a celestial (Spiritual) sun. 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that they are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial sun is a metaphor for the Scorpions, the 1st third of the apostate. The sun is darkened in Isaiah 13:10, Jeremiah 15:9, Joel 2:10, 2:31, 3:15, Amos 8:9, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Acts 2:20, Revelation 8:12, and Revelation 9:2. In James 1:11 the sun rises (Scorpions) and withers the grass. (Multitude) In the 5th trumpet in Revelation 9:2, the smoke that arises out of the pit darkens the sun.
Thorns - The thorns are a metaphor for the Serpents. They are always spoken about as one of a pair, the thorns and the briers. Thorns and briers grow up in the vineyard, and Israel, which are one and the same, Isaiah 5:6, 7:23, 32:13. They come up in the rebellious house (Revolters – Spiritual Israel – Today’s apostate church) in Ezekiel 2:6. They mount up (Rise up) from the smoke of the pit in Isaiah 9:18, and Revelation 9:2, 3. They are also totally destroyed in Isaiah 10:17, and Hebrews 6:8.
Trees - Trees are a metaphor for people, specifically people of the church. 1/3rd of the trees (Multitude) are burned up in the 1st trumpet. There is the fig tree which is a metaphor for Israel. (Spiritual Israel) There are two olive trees that represent the two witnesses in Revelation 11:4 and Zechariah 4:3, 11 which is the Multitude. There are numerous verses that group the trees together into a forest. A fire kindles and burns up the forest. The forest get cut down or devoured in Isaiah 9:18, 10:18,19,34, 29:17, 32:19, 56:9, Jeremiah 5:6, 21:14, 26:18, 46:23, Ezekiel 20:46,47, Hosea 2:12, Micah 3:12, and Zechariah 11:2). Hail comes down on the forest in Isaiah 32:19.
Whirlwind - The whirlwind is a metaphor for the Tribulation and is the culmination of the two groups of the apostate bringing God’s wrath down upon the Multitude. There is a whirlwind that comes out of the south in Job 37:9 and a whirlwind that comes out of the north in Ezekiel 1:4. When these two collide, (Join together) the united whirlwind (Serpents and Scorpions) comes forth, Proverbs 1:27, 10:25, Isaiah 5:28, 17:13, 40:24, 41:16, 66:15, Jeremiah 4:13, 23:19, 25:32, 30:23, Daniel 11:40, Hosea 8:7, 13:3, Amos 1:14, Nahum 1:3, Habakkuk 3:14, Zechariah 7:14, and destroys the Multitude. The whirlwind is associated with the Red sea account in the destruction of the Egyptians in the definition for whirlwind. Strong’s 5492
Winter - Winter is associated with the Serpents. Winter is associated with hail (Ice – Serpents) and Core (Ice) in Jude 1:11. The Serpents are the beasts of the field and shall winter upon the Multitude in Isaiah 18:6. The Serpents are also the stars and Lord will smite the winter house in Amos 3:15, just as the stars are smitten in Revelation 8:12.
Wormwood - Wormwood is the name of a star that falls at the 3rd trumpet, Revelation 8:11. Wormwood is the bitterness that the Scorpions and the Serpents feed the Multitude. It is poison and kills the Multitude, Revelation 8:11. Wormwood can be found in numerous passages in the Old Testament; Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15, Lam. 3:15, 19, and Amos 5:7. Wormwood is linked to water of gall in Jeremiah 8:14, and Amos 6:12. When Jesus was upon the cross they gave him vinegar mixed with water of gall, which he tasted and would not drink in Matthew 27:34.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, (Begin the Tribulation) but he revealeth his secret (The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven) unto his servants the prophets. (The 144,000)
May the Lord richly bless your understanding as you study His Word.
Asses - The asses (Jack) are a metaphor for the Serpents. They are actually wild asses that do as they please. You can find verses pertaining to this group; the wild asses of the desert, Job 24:5, the wild asses that stand upon the high places, Jeremiah 14:6, and other references, Isaiah 30:6, 32:14, Ezekiel 23:20. There is a chariot of asses that arrives as the second woe or the 6th trumpet in Isaiah 21:7.
Babylon - Babylon is the church construct that is divided into thirds in Revelation 16:19. It is comprised of three parts, the 2/3 apostate and the Multitude. Babylon’s destruction is caused by an implosion. The 2/3 apostate come upon the Multitude and destroys the 1/3. The destruction of Babylon is detailed in Jeremiah 50, 51 and Revelation 18. Babylon falls (Is fallen, is fallen) at the 5th and 6th trumpets which occur concurrently.
Border of Wickedness - The Border of Wickedness is the name the Lord has given to the area of the spiritual wickedness that the Serpents and Scorpions possess.
Beasts of the earth - The Lord tells us of celestial and terrestrial divisions of groups of flesh and the host of heaven in 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. There are two groups of beasts of the earth. One is terrestrial; normal fleshly beasts of the earth and one celestial; the spiritual beasts of the earth. The celestial beasts of the earth are the Serpents that devour the flesh (Murder) of the Multitude, Deuteronomy 28:26, Psalm 79:2, Isaiah 18:6, Jeremiah 7:33, 15:3, 16:4, 19:7, 34:20, Revelation 6:8.
Beasts of the earth are one of the four sore judgements of the Lord, Jeremiah 15:3. The beasts of the earth are paired together with the fowls of the heaven in the verses quoted above. The beasts of the earth are also referred to as the beasts of the field and occasionally the beasts in the forest, Psalm 104.20, Isaiah 56:9, Micah 5:8. They are all one and the same.
Brass - The brass is representative of the Serpents. The brass serpent that Moses made in Num. 21:9 was constructed for those that were bitten by the fiery serpents in the wilderness, Num. 21:6. The heavens and earth above and below the Multitude will be as brass and iron, Leviticus 26:19, Deuteronomy 28:23. In Jeremiah 6:28, it states that the grievous revolters of Israel are all corrupters. They are full of slanders, they are brass and iron. The Lord esteems brass as rotten wood, Job 41:27.
Briers - The briers are the Scorpions. They are always spoken about as one of a pair, the thorns and the briers. Briers and thorns grow up in the vineyard, and Israel, which are one and the same, Isaiah 5:6, 7:23, 32:13. They come up in the rebellious house, (Revolters) Ezekiel 2:6. They mount up (Rise up) from the smoke of the pit, Isaiah 9:18, Revelation 9:2, 3. They are totally destroyed, Isaiah 10:17, Heb. 6:8.
Calves of the stall - The calves of the stall are the Multitude and can include the 144,000. The Multitude are eaten by the ones lying upon beds of ivory and stretched upon beds, Amos 6:4. The Lord (Sun of righteousness) arises with healing in his wings. (Heals the stroke of the Multitude’s wound) The 144,000 grows up like calves in the stall, Malachi 4:2. The calves (Oxen) are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15.
Chariots - The chariots are the metaphoric militaristic vehicle that the Serpents and Scorpions come riding in on to crush the Multitude. The three chariots of Isaiah 21:7 are the three woes of Revelation, the 5th, 6th, and 7th trumpets. There are numerous verses speaking about chariots coming against the Multitude, Isaiah 22:7, 66:15, Jeremiah 4:13, 46:9, Ezekiel 23:24, 26:7, 26:10, 39:20, Daniel 11:40, Joel 2:5, Nahum 2:3,4, 3:2. Jeremiah 4:13 and Isaiah 66:15 state “his chariots shall be as the whirlwind.” The sound of the wings of the locusts (Scorpions) in the 5th trumpet is as the sound of chariots, Revelation 9:9.
Doves - Doves are a metaphor for the Multitude. They are the doves of the valley in Ezekiel 7:16. The doves are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15, 16.
Eagle - The eagle can be a metaphor of the protection, Exodus 19:4, Isaiah 40:31, Revelation 12:14, or it can be a metaphor for destruction in the form of the Serpents, Jeremiah 4:13, Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37. The eagles (Serpents) are gathered around the bodies of those that are taken, the ones taken being the Multitude. Matthew 24:28, Luke 17:37.
Esau Effect - The Esau Effect is the apostate church following in the footsteps of Esau in giving away their birthright. They give away their birthright to the physical Israel and the physical Jew. Through this process, they lift up the physical nation of Israel and the physical Jews as the chosen people. The spiritual Edomites blasphemy the spiritual Jews, the Multitude; who claim their spiritual birthright. This is also one of the Four Transgressions spoken about in Amos.
Fig Tree - The fig tree is a metaphor for both physical and spiritual Israel on two different layers. The establishment of Israel in 1948 is the fig tree that today’s church looks towards. The spiritual fig tree is today’s modern church. The branch that shoots forth on the fig tree are the Serpents and the Scorpions. The locusts (Scorpions) debark (Strip) the fig tree and make the branches white (Multitude) in Joel 1:7. The Lord comes upon a fig tree that is not producing any fruit (The church is fruitless) and curses it, Matthew 21:19-21, Mark 11:13, 11:20, 21. The stars (Serpents) that fall from heaven are as untimely (Unripe) figs, Revelation 6:13.
Fire - Fire is one of the two components of the 1st trumpet that burns up the 1/3rd of the trees. (Multitude) Fire is a metaphor for not only the Lord’s wrath but also the Scorpions. Fire kindles in the south forest (The Scorpions are identified as the South) and burns to the north, (The Serpents are identified as the North) Ezekiel 20:47. The Lord shall “kindle a fire” is spoken about in many verses, Jeremiah 17:27, 21:14, 43:12, 49:27, 50:32, Ezekiel 20:47, Amos 1:14. Fire is a metaphor for the devouring, consuming, and destruction of the Multitude by the Scorpions and then the Serpents.
Fishes - The Lord tells us of celestial and terrestrial divisions of groups of flesh and the hosts of heaven in 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. There are two groups of fishes. One is terrestrial; normal fleshly fish of the sea and one celestial (Spiritual) fish of the sea. The Lord makes men as the fishes, Habakkuk 1:14.
An evil net is a metaphor for catching fish and is likened to snaring a man in an evil time, Ecclesiastes 9:12. The Lord likens the kingdom of heaven to a net cast into the sea and the catch being brought to shore. The good and the bad fish are separated from one another. The good are put into vessels and the bad are cast away, Matthew 13:47-50. In the second trumpet, 1/3 of the creatures (Fish) that had life died, (Multitude) Revelation 8:9. The fish of the rivers (Multitude) will be meat for the fowls of the heaven (Serpents and Scorpions) and the beasts of the field, (Serpents and Scorpions) Ezekiel 29:5.
Fowls of the heaven - The fowls of the heaven are again divided into celestial and terrestrial groups, 1 Corinthians 15:39, 40. The terrestrial (Earthly) birds are the birds you see every day. The celestial (Spiritual) fowls of the heaven are the Serpents and Scorpions. There are numerous passages referring to the fowls of the heaven, Jeremiah 7:33, 15:3, 19:7, 34:20, Ezekiel 29:5, 31:13, 32:4. The fowls of the heaven (Serpents and Scorpions) are always paired with the beasts of the earth (Serpents and Scorpions) in the prophetic books. The fowls of the heaven are also one of the four sore judgements of the Lord, Jeremiah 15:3.
Grass - The grass is a metaphor for flesh, possessions, wealth, or riches, Psalms 37:2, 92:7, 129:6, Isaiah 37:27, 40:6,7, James 1:10,11, 1 Peter 1:24. All of the green grass of the Multitude is burned up. The grass is burned up and the Multitude is stripped of all of their possessions. The tares (Serpents and Scorpions) are also defined as grass, Psalm 92:7. The green grass is also the possessions of the rich man. The flower of the grass is equated to the grace (Goodliness) of that person, James 1:10, 11.
Hail - Hail are pieces of ice. Hail comes down at the 1st trumpet and is coupled with fire. (Scorpions) Hail is a metaphor for the Serpents. Hail was one of the ten plagues that came down upon Egypt at the time of the Exodus, Exodus 9:23. Hail comes down upon the forest, (Trees which are people, namely the Multitude) Isaiah 32:19. Hail is part of the overflowing scourge/storm that comes down upon the Multitude Isaiah 28:2, Isaiah 28:17.
Horses - Horses show up in both the 5th and 6th trumpets. The Scorpions have an appearance of horses prepared for battle. The Serpents are an army of horsemen. Horses are in many verses. Just a few verses are quoted here. A couple of these even have the horses connected to the whirlwind, Isaiah 5:28, Jeremiah 4:13, 6:23, 47:3, 51:27. A chariot of horses shows up as the first woe in Isaiah 21:7.
Iron - The breastplates of the Scorpions worn in the 5th trumpet are iron. Iron signifies bondage, Deuteronomy 28:48, Jeremiah 28:14. The heavens and earth above and below the Multitude will be as iron (Scorpions) and brass, (Serpents) Leviticus 26:19, Deuteronomy 28:23. In Jeremiah 6:28, it states that the grievous revolters of Israel are corrupters, and are full of slanders, which are brass (Serpents) and iron. (Scorpions) The Lord esteems iron (Scorpions) as straw, Job 41:27.
Israel - Israel used in the Bible is speaking about the church, both the apostate and the remnant. The verse and its context determine which group of Israel is being spoken about. The names Judah, Jerusalem, Jacob, and other names are speaking about Israel. “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel”, Romans 9:6
Judas Cycle - The Judas Cycle is the replay of the entire betrayal and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Judas betrayed Jesus to the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees. (Serpents) They accused Jesus of blasphemy and brought him to Pontius Pilate who put Jesus to death.
This entire event will be replayed again with the Scorpions as Judas, the Serpents as the Scribes, Pharisees, and Sadducees and the beast government as Pontius Pilate. The Multitude will be in the position of Jesus. They will be accused of blasphemy and sentenced to death for standing for the Truth through Jesus Christ.
Lambs of the flock - The lambs of the flock are the Multitude. They are the pieces of the lamb that are removed by the shepherd from the lion’s mouth, Amos 3:12. They are taken out of Samaria and Damascus in this fashion. Those that lie upon beds of ivory and stretch themselves upon couches (Serpents and Scorpions) eat the lambs (Multitude) out of the flock, Amos 6:4. The lambs (Multitude) are also seen as one of the animals that the moneychangers (Scorpions) were selling in the temple when Jesus overturned the tables and chased them out with a whip, John 2:15.
Leopard - The leopard is a metaphor for the Scorpions. They are fast and watchful, Jeremiah 5:6, Habakkuk 1:8 Hosea 13:7. The leopard is also one of the three attributes of the final beast, Revelation 13:2.
Lion - The lion is a metaphor for both the Scorpions and the Serpents. The Scorpions have the teeth of a lion and the Serpents have the mouth of a lion. A lion is seen by the watchman in Isaiah 21:8 which is defined as a violent gathering, Strong’s 738, 717. This lion is seen at the arrival of the three chariots. (Three woes) The children of Israel will be taken out of the lion’s mouth (Serpents and Scorpions) by the shepherd (Jesus Christ) in Amos 3:12. The lion is also a component of the final beast, Revelation 13:2. There are numerous verses portraying the lion as a devourer. The devil is referred to as a roaring lion in 1 Peter 5:8. The lion can also be Jesus Christ, Revelation 5:5, the Multitude, Daniel 7:4, and the 144,000, Micah 5:7, 8
Locusts - The locusts in the 5th trumpet are a metaphor for the 1st third of the apostate that play the role of Judas. (Scorpions) They betray the Multitude for reward. They strip the Multitude of their possessions as locusts strip vegetation. They are an army of 4 types of locusts in Joel 1:4 and Joel 2:25. Locusts were one of the ten plagues of Egypt, Exodus 10:14. Locusts are spoken about as a creature that spoils (The possessions of the Multitude) the people, (Multitude) Isaiah 33:4, Nahum 3:15, 17.
Moon - The moon can be a terrestrial (Physical) moon, or a celestial (Spiritual) moon. (Multitude) 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that there are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial moon is a metaphor for the Multitude. The celestial moon is darkened. (Multitude is in apostasy and then killed) Joel 2:10, 3:15, Revelation 8:12 and it will be turned into blood, (Multitude’s blood) Joel 2:21, Acts 2:20 The moon (Multitude) will also not give her light, Isaiah 13:10, Ezekiel 32:7, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24 When the Multitude comes to the truth, the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun. Isaiah 30:26
Mountain burning with fire - The mountain burning with fire in the 2nd trumpet (Revelation 8:8) is a metaphor for Babylon. It is described in Jeremiah 51:25 as a destroying mountain. It is also the mount of corruption in 2 Kings 23:13. This is where Soloman built the high places for Ashteroth, Chemosh, and Milcom. The definition for destroying mountain and mount of corruption is the same definition. Strong’s 4889
Multitude – The Multitude is the “great multitude” spoken about in Revelation 7:14. There are numerous metaphors used for the Multitude. They are doves of the valley in Ezekiel 7:16, remnant, daughter of the Chaldeans in Isaiah 47:1, 47:5, daughter of Babylon in Psalm 137:8 and many more, daughter of Zion in Isaiah 1:8 and many more, daughter of Jerusalem in Micah 4:8 and many more, etc. They are identified also as Ephraim and the two witnesses in Revelation 11. The land where the Multitude is located is Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, Ar, Kir, Moab, Samaria, Damascus, Tyrus, Edom, Zidon, and numerous other locations.
North - The north is associated with the Serpents. They are the army that comes from the north. Jeremiah 1:14,15, 4:6, 6:1, 6:22, 10:22, 25:9, 46:20,24, 47:2, 50:3,9,41, 51:48, Ezekiel 9:2, 26:7, 38:15, Daniel chapter 11. The north is cold and dreary. The hail of the 1st trumpet is ice which represents the Serpents. The north is also referred to as the winter house in Amos 3:15. The beasts of the field (Serpents) shall winter upon them, (Multitude) Isaiah 18:6. The Serpents (North and ice) are also associated with Core, Jude 1:11. The definition for Core is ice. Strong’s 7141
Overturn - The word overturn is used as an alternative word for overthrew or overthrow. It is directly associated with the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the overthrow of the Egyptians in the Red Sea. These were the first and second overturns. The term overturn is repeated 3 times in Ezekiel 21:27. The third overthrow is of Babylon (Isaiah 13:19) which is also the Tribulation.
Scorpions - The Scorpions as they are referred to throughout this book are actually described in the 5th trumpet as locusts with the tail of a scorpion. They are the 1st third of the apostate that betray the Multitude to the Serpents and strip the Multitude of their possessions in the role of Judas Iscariot. The Scorpions showed up in the trek through the wilderness in Deuteronomy 8:15. Scorpions are found in the rebellious house (Israel) in Ezekiel 2:6.
The Lord gives the 144,000 the power to tread on serpents and scorpions in Luke 10:19. The sting of the scorpion as when ‘he striketh a man’ is metaphorically the betrayal of the Multitude. Compare the definitions for the words striketh and betray, Strong’s, striketh 3817 and betray 3860, 1325. They are almost identical, if fact, some of the definitions match word for word. In the Old Testament the word scorpion is defined as a knotted whip or scourge, Strong’s 6137.
Serpents - The Serpents are the 6th trumpet metaphor for the 2nd third of the apostate. They are in the role of the Scribes, Pharisees, and the Sadducees. Jesus and John the Baptist referred to these groups of apostate Jews as serpents and vipers, Matthew 3:7, 12:34, 23:33, Luke 3:7. They take on the role of their father (Satan) in John 8:44, who is Leviathan. (A dragon - Satan) The Serpents also go by the names of adder(s), asp(s), cockatrices, viper(s), and dragon(s).
The definition for dragons and serpents is the same word. Dragons can be found in the following verses; Isaiah 13:22, 34:13, 35:7, 43:20, Jeremiah 9:11, 10:22, 14:6, 49:33, 51:37. Mount Esau’s heritage was laid waste and left for the dragons of the wilderness in Malachi 1:3. The Lord sent fiery serpents to Israel in the wilderness in Deuteronomy 8:15. One of the curses that come upon the people is serpents, Deuteronomy 32:24.
Ships - Ships are a metaphor for people, specifically people of the church. They are vessels upon the sea of Babylon. The 1/3rd of the ships that are destroyed in the 2nd trumpet are the Multitude, Revelation 8:9. The definitions tell us that the ships are sailors that are plunged through the sea and their clothes (Robes) are laundered or washed, Strong’s 4126, 4150, and 3068. In one of the definitions there is the word furnished, Strong’s 4130 which links us to Matthew 22:10 which is the parable about the wedding being furnished with guests. (Multitude)
Son of Perdition - The son of perdition was Judas Iscariot, John 17:12. The future son of perdition shows up in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 speaking about the end time group (Scorpions) that goes bad. They don’t love the truth (Apostate) and have pleasure in unrighteousness. They are damned and are lost, 2 Thessalonians 2:12, John 17:12. This group is the Scorpions.
South - The south is associated with the Scorpions. The fire of the 1st trumpet kindles in the south forest, Ezekiel 20:47. The south is associated with heat (Fire) in Luke 12:55. There are many verses which use the word south to identify the Scorpions, Isaiah 30:6, 43:6, Jeremiah 13:19, Ezekiel 20:46, 47, 21:4, Zechariah 9:14, Daniel chapter 11.
Stars - The stars are a metaphor for the Serpents. The stars can be terrestrial (Physical) stars, or celestial (Spiritual) stars. 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that there are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial stars are a metaphor for the Serpents, the 2nd third of the apostate.
The Serpents exalt themselves and set their nest in the stars, Obadiah 1:4. The stars are darkened or don’t give their light in Isaiah 13:10, Ezekiel 32:7, Joel 2:10, 3:15, Revelation 8:12. The stars fall to earth, Daniel 8:10, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:25, Revelation 6:13, Revelation 12:4. The wandering stars are called the raging waves of the sea, Jude 1:13.
There are three constellations that are comprised of the stars; Arcturus, (Serpents) Orion,
(Scorpions) and Pleiades. (Which is comprised of seven stars and is called ‘The Seven Sisters’ which represents the ‘Seven Churches’ which is the Multitude)
Summer - Summer is associated with the Scorpions. It is hot (Fire) and dry. (Scorpions have no Truth or Living Water) In the parable of the fig tree, we are told that when its branch shoots forth and leaves appear (The beast system arises) that summer (Scorpions) is near. (Scorpions are at the door) The 5th trumpet, the Scorpions, fire and heat are on their way, Matthew 24:32, Mark 13:28, Luke 21:30. The Scorpions are the fowls of the heaven and they shall summer upon the Multitude, Isaiah 18:6. The Scorpions are also the sun and Lord will smite the summer house in Amos 3:15, just as the sun is smitten in Revelation 8:12.
Sun - The sun is a terrestrial (Physical) sun, or a celestial (Spiritual) sun. 1 Corinthians 15:40, 41 tells us that they are both. There is also a glory of the moon, sun, and stars, both terrestrial and celestial. The celestial sun is a metaphor for the Scorpions, the 1st third of the apostate. The sun is darkened in Isaiah 13:10, Jeremiah 15:9, Joel 2:10, 2:31, 3:15, Amos 8:9, Matthew 24:29, Mark 13:24, Acts 2:20, Revelation 8:12, and Revelation 9:2. In James 1:11 the sun rises (Scorpions) and withers the grass. (Multitude) In the 5th trumpet in Revelation 9:2, the smoke that arises out of the pit darkens the sun.
Thorns - The thorns are a metaphor for the Serpents. They are always spoken about as one of a pair, the thorns and the briers. Thorns and briers grow up in the vineyard, and Israel, which are one and the same, Isaiah 5:6, 7:23, 32:13. They come up in the rebellious house (Revolters – Spiritual Israel – Today’s apostate church) in Ezekiel 2:6. They mount up (Rise up) from the smoke of the pit in Isaiah 9:18, and Revelation 9:2, 3. They are also totally destroyed in Isaiah 10:17, and Hebrews 6:8.
Trees - Trees are a metaphor for people, specifically people of the church. 1/3rd of the trees (Multitude) are burned up in the 1st trumpet. There is the fig tree which is a metaphor for Israel. (Spiritual Israel) There are two olive trees that represent the two witnesses in Revelation 11:4 and Zechariah 4:3, 11 which is the Multitude. There are numerous verses that group the trees together into a forest. A fire kindles and burns up the forest. The forest get cut down or devoured in Isaiah 9:18, 10:18,19,34, 29:17, 32:19, 56:9, Jeremiah 5:6, 21:14, 26:18, 46:23, Ezekiel 20:46,47, Hosea 2:12, Micah 3:12, and Zechariah 11:2). Hail comes down on the forest in Isaiah 32:19.
Whirlwind - The whirlwind is a metaphor for the Tribulation and is the culmination of the two groups of the apostate bringing God’s wrath down upon the Multitude. There is a whirlwind that comes out of the south in Job 37:9 and a whirlwind that comes out of the north in Ezekiel 1:4. When these two collide, (Join together) the united whirlwind (Serpents and Scorpions) comes forth, Proverbs 1:27, 10:25, Isaiah 5:28, 17:13, 40:24, 41:16, 66:15, Jeremiah 4:13, 23:19, 25:32, 30:23, Daniel 11:40, Hosea 8:7, 13:3, Amos 1:14, Nahum 1:3, Habakkuk 3:14, Zechariah 7:14, and destroys the Multitude. The whirlwind is associated with the Red sea account in the destruction of the Egyptians in the definition for whirlwind. Strong’s 5492
Winter - Winter is associated with the Serpents. Winter is associated with hail (Ice – Serpents) and Core (Ice) in Jude 1:11. The Serpents are the beasts of the field and shall winter upon the Multitude in Isaiah 18:6. The Serpents are also the stars and Lord will smite the winter house in Amos 3:15, just as the stars are smitten in Revelation 8:12.
Wormwood - Wormwood is the name of a star that falls at the 3rd trumpet, Revelation 8:11. Wormwood is the bitterness that the Scorpions and the Serpents feed the Multitude. It is poison and kills the Multitude, Revelation 8:11. Wormwood can be found in numerous passages in the Old Testament; Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15, Lam. 3:15, 19, and Amos 5:7. Wormwood is linked to water of gall in Jeremiah 8:14, and Amos 6:12. When Jesus was upon the cross they gave him vinegar mixed with water of gall, which he tasted and would not drink in Matthew 27:34.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, (Begin the Tribulation) but he revealeth his secret (The mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven) unto his servants the prophets. (The 144,000)
May the Lord richly bless your understanding as you study His Word.