A Wheel within a Wheel
Chapter 9
The Eyes of the Dragon
A system is currently being put into place that is designed to identify the Multitude. This system is what can be called the eyes of the dragon. To get a better understanding of what this system is, and how it is to be used, we first need to look at and understand why this system is put into place.
With what the Lord has shown us pertaining to the Tribulation, we know the end result of the Lord’s indignation against the Multitude, the Serpents, and the Scorpions. The Lord uses the Scorpions and the Serpents to punish the Multitude and ultimately will result in the death of the Multitude.
The death of the Multitude will be the execution of that group of people that the Lord has designated. If the Multitude’s execution is their ultimate end, we need to look at the process that takes them to their execution.
For them to be executed, they will have to be under the control of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ which is comprised of the Scorpions under the direct control of the Serpents. What is that system or process that brings them to their execution? Before they are executed, they will need to be imprisoned. This would put them under the control of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ which brings them to the Serpents to do as they will.
For the Multitude to be imprisoned, they will need to be sentenced. For the Multitude to be sentenced, there have to be laws in place that they can be sentenced for. Those laws will designate them guilty of that law. This means that prior to imprisonment; they will be within the judicial system.
For the Multitude to be entangled in the judicial system, they will need to have broken the law or laws. When the Multitude breaks the law or laws, they will need to be brought to the attention of law enforcement. This is where the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ will raise its ugly head.
The Multitude will be brought to the attention of law enforcement by the Scorpions who turn them in. There is a system or process that has already been at work and by which this is done. Part of the system or process has already been established. The Serpents will be putting into place ‘The Scorpion Network’. That network will be connecting all of the dots and finalizing this system or process in the very near future. This system or process is what I have dubbed ‘The Scorpion Network’.
Some twelve to fifteen years ago the Lord was showing me different aspects about how the Multitude would be put into the process of persecution, prosecution, and their execution. The only answer to how the Multitude would enter into that system is that they would have to be labeled as a ‘domestic terrorist’. Being labeled a terrorist or namely a ‘domestic terrorist’, all constitutional rights of that individual are pushed aside.
When a person is arrested as a ‘domestic terrorist’, they do not have the constitutional rights. Habeas corpus is a right granted to everybody which is their right against illegal imprisonment. The Multitude will be ushered through the domestic terrorism process that will take away all of their rights. They have already done a test run on the January 6th offenders. Many sit in prison today for having done of the awful crime of just walking through the capitol.
We know that the processing of the Multitude is rooted in politics. It is a persons’ stand on one side or the other that will determine their fate. In watching the news (Fox News is the one to watch) you will see the divide that is currently happening. This is a battle between God and Satan that is being played out in our current political environment. The divide between the far left democrats and the right conservative republicans is clearly apparent and growing every day.
The pieces of this puzzle have already been coming together. There are just a few pieces left to be put in place for it to be operational. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ is soon to appear and has in fact already begun on a covert level. It will be an algorithm that is set in place to substantiate the positive identification of the Multitude which will be the enemy of the state. (The Beast – See the upcoming chapter “The Beast”)
It has been established that the alphabet agencies, i.e. DOJ, FBI, and others have been targeting people that are standing against the establishment. They are actively going after former President Trump, and ordinary citizens that stand up at school board meetings. The conservative movement, namely MAGA (Make America Great Again) republicans, and Christians are their current target.
If a person stands up or speaks out against trans-genderism or racism being taught in the schools, they are labeled a domestic terrorist. If a person is a supporter of former President Trump, they are labeled as a domestic terrorist. This is the vehicle that the ‘The Scorpion Network’ will be used to identify the Multitude. Once identified, the Multitude will be under the control of the Serpents who will then persecute, prosecute, and execute the Multitude.
The Multitude will be arrested and prosecuted under the label of ‘domestic terrorist. President Biden has stated on several occasions that the MAGA crowd and former President Trump are domestic terrorists. He also states that the MAGA movement is the greatest threat to the democracy of the United States.
When the Multitude is arrested as a domestic terrorist, they are in the ‘The Scorpion Network’ that will usher them towards their final fate, which is their execution. To be arrested, the Multitude has to be identified in some way to enter into the ‘The Scorpion Network’. Let’s take a look at how this will play out.
There will be a hotline number to call to report an offender. (Multitude) This number will be a national ‘See Something, Say Something’ phone number that a Scorpion will use to report a family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc. They will call into that number and give the person’s name and pertinent information that will then be documented. They will either receive a reward for calling in the person or they will be given that person’s property once convicted.
‘See Something, Say something’ originated when 9/11 occurred. It was instituted by the Department of Homeland Security for safety and security within our borders. If you see something awry or odd, such a person dropping a piece of luggage or backpack at an airport and walks away, say something to a law officer. It could be a bomb. It is a good thing to report something suspicious.
Under this campaign ‘See Something, Say Something’ you were to report to a local law enforcement agency or to a governmental agency. This advanced to the next step in September of 2023 by putting up 200 billboards along the New Jersey Turnpike promoting this campaign. The billboards didn’t have a local law enforcement phone number to call. It has a designated 800 number to call.
Breaking: This next event occurred after writing this chapter and is being added in as it is very relevant to this subject.
As a side note but very relevant, the same day that President Biden gave his speech, the Scorpion Network structure spoken about in chapter 9 ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ located in this book ‘A Wheel Within a Wheel’, was exposed.
It was brought out on the Jesse Watters show on Fox News that the largest FBI investigation concerning identification of the January 6th offenders were being identified by citizen investigators named ‘Sedition Hunters’. This will be the structure and framework described in chapter 9 ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Micah 7:2 The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they (Serpents) all lie in wait for blood; (Killing of the Multitude) they (Scorpions) hunt every man his brother (Multitude) with a net.
Also, that same night, Sean Hannity on Fox News described the speech that President Biden delivered as his first presidential campaign speech as “venomous”. It was indeed an apt description and it proceeded out of the mouth of a Serpent who has all authority and power within the nest of vipers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C.
The next step is to link this phone number to a national database network using AI to report a MAGA domestic terrorist. This will be on news channels across the country. This will be the phone number that a Scorpion will call to report who they are turning in.
There are some additional events that will need to transpire to make the national advertising of ‘See Something, Say Something’ acceptable to the everyday public. Just look at history, the government provides the solution to a manufactured problem or crisis. It is then acceptable. Some type of ‘domestic terrorism’ needs to occur to establish the threat, the crisis, which will then initiate the solution.
This perpetrator will likely be somebody that is a Trump follower or someone posing as one. This would be a black flag event(s) that will then demand a solution. The solution, in comes ‘See Something, Say Something’ with a national 800 number to call and report those evil MAGA domestic terrorists.
On December 5th, 2023 before a congressional committee FBI Director Christopher Wray said “he has never seen a time during his decades-long career when so many threats against the US were all as elevated as they are now, warning senators that he sees “blinking lights everywhere.” Hmmm. It appears the stage is now set for that to occur.
Once a Scorpion has called the 800 number, that report will proceed to the next stage. Their name will be input into a computer using an algorithm that will check that person’s affiliation using different criteria. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be used to build a profile of the person they will be investigating.
On October 30, 2023 the current president issued an executive order taking overall control over how AI is to be used. They are citing safety concerns. We know where this is heading. The fox is in charge of the henhouse.
The criteria will consist of but not limited to the following:
1. Political affiliation. Are you registered to vote? Are you a registered republican? √
2. Are you on Social Media? Do you follow conservative leaders? Do you post political
views of a conservative nature? Are you on Truth Social? √
Facebook and former Twitter executives were working with the FBI to identify and silence conservative posts. This has been brought out by congressional committees. Jack Smith that is prosecuting Donald Trump has requested Twitter hand over all followers of Trump and anyone who in the past has retweeted Trump’s posts.
Anybody who posts anything against open borders (you are against underprivileged people that are escaping climate change), pornographic materials (you are against material that is to instruct your children) being taught in schools, the homeless taking over (you are against these poor underprivileged folks that can’t afford a home), you are against climate change (you are a denier and are facilitating the destruction of our planet), you are against high fuel prices and fossil fuel eradication (you are against the saving of our planet), your are against transgenderism (you are against peoples free choice), you are against inflation (you don’t believe in Bidenomics).
You get the picture. The divide that is happening in our country and throughout most of civilized societies is very apparent. This is a division of good and evil.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Is what is stated in Isaiah 5:20 happening right now? The Multitude will stand on the side of good, light, and sweet. In doing so, they will be demonized by those that are evil, dark, and bitter.
3. Do you belong to any right wing organizations, NRA or Constitutional groups? √
If you are a member of the NRA, you are an enemy of the state. Are you a member or follower of any Constitutional groups? Do you belong to ‘Moms for America’ standing up for Christian values being taught in our schools? You are a right wing, gun toting, and bible believing enemy of the state. The government can require the leaders of these organizations to hand over a list of their membership. Websites and computers that hold these lists can be hacked by AI. Nothing will be off limits from AI.
4. Do you donate to the Republican parties, its affiliates, or candidates? √
Your name is on their lists. The government has already attempted to demand the list of all members of the Republican Committee roster. How hard would it be for them to get those lists of members?
5. Do you have a Trump sign in your yard, or hang a Trump banner, or perhaps a
Trump bumper sticker on your vehicle? Do you wear a necklace with a cross? √
You will be a target by the extreme left if you support Trump.
6. Do you go to Trump rallies or conservative candidate rallies? √
When a person goes to any right political rally, they can be photographed or their face can be picked up in a video. Thousands of hours of video were gone through by investigators looking to identify those that were at the Capitol on January 6th. AI can go through video footage identifying faces to Driver License photos, Passport photos, and mug shots. AI can do these searches in minutes where it would take regular computers days.
7. Do you go to church? √
Your name is likely on their membership roster. How hard do you think it will be for the government to require pastors and preachers to hand over a list of their membership. How many will resist and how many will willingly do this? Currently, FEMA is recruiting pastors and preachers to be affiliated with FEMA in times of national emergency. Do you think they will willingly hand over their membership list?
Remember, judgement begins at the house of God. It is the Christians that are under the judgment of the Lord. This is the whole reason for the Tribulation; the separation of the wheat (Multitude) from the chaff. (Serpents and Scorpions)
8. Do you openly express your conservative views to family members, neighbors,
friends or co-workers? √
This is the most dangerous one. It is the family, friends, and co-workers that will be the ones (Scorpions) turning in the Multitude. Mother against daughter, father against son as stated in the Scriptures.
9. Do you speak up at your local city council meetings or school board meetings about
the issues?
The DOJ issued a memo earlier this year in 2023 telling local FBI law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for parents speaking out at school board meetings. Those parents were to be labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’.
The truth of the matter is the Multitude is not doing anything wrong as far as right and wrong is concerned. But they have done something wrong against God. They have forsaken Him and His laws and followed after other gods. They are looking for the ‘savior of America’ to win the next presidential election. They are rooted in the things of this world and not looking to the True Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
How many checkmarks apply to you? Most if not all of the 144,000 will have either not participated in any of those items listed, or they will have come away from them. It is each one of those areas that the ‘Eyes of the Dragon will be looking’.
As soon as a Scorpion calls in a reports a person, that person (Multitude) will be caught in the net of the Lord headed for judgement. Their name will be entered into the ‘The Scorpion Network’ and this is where AI will come into play. AI will begin a search of that persons’ name in databases seeing if they are a registered republican or independent on their local voter rolls.
AI will search their social media accounts for any political posts, bank and credit card records for donations to political parties or purchases of guns or survival items, and church membership. AI will do searches of videos taken at any Trump rallies or conservative political gatherings for that person’s presence. The more boxes that are check, the higher the value of the target that they are investigating. The Multitude will likely have six to eight boxes checked.
How many boxes do you check? Most if not all of the 144,000 will have disassociated with each one of those areas. If you haven’t, time is of the essence. Delete social media accounts and start new ones without any political talk. Remove yourself from the voter rolls. Contact any organization you may belong to and get removed off their mailing list. We need to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.
Once the search on that person has concluded, the report will advance to the next stage; arrest or indictment for being a domestic terrorist. They will then be arrested, tried and convicted, and thrown into prison (Re-education Camp as stated by Hillary Clinton) to await their ultimate fate of execution.
At the point of their entering into the net of the ‘The Scorpion Network’, they will question ‘Where is God?” At that point, they will be willing to listen to what the 144,000 have to tell them.
The national media (False Prophet – see the upcoming chapter ‘The False Prophet’) is in a panic right now with the current poll numbers showing Trump rising in the polls and Biden falling way down. The democrat pundits are now openly stating that they (The far left Democrat party) will do whatever it takes to keep Trump from being reelected.
They have brought 4 indictments (See the upcoming chapter ‘For Three Transgressions, and Four and listen to the series ‘For Three Transgressions, and Four' on this website) against Trump and eventually he will be convicted and cast into prison as he is the leader of the Multitude. They have tried to remove Trump from the ballot in several states. But that didn’t work. They are getting desperate and are becoming dangerous.
Trump has stated “They are not coming after me, they are coming after you. And I am standing in the way.” They indeed will be coming after Trump followers. There has been solid evidence that they will be doing just that. Listen to the ‘Reading the Map’ series for newspaper articles, government statements, and sound clips to substantiate the truth of where this is heading and what they want to accomplish.
They will do this by taking out anybody that opposes them; for they (Trump and the Multitude) are against democracy. Their ultimate goal is to remove all opposition. That would be Trump and his followers. Anybody that may or will vote for Trump is a target.
The ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ which identifies the Multitude and which can’t see the 144,000 is what the focus of this chapter is. It has just been laid out how the Multitude is turned in and identified as a domestic terrorist. How is the 144,000 not seen by the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’?
Let’s go to scripture and allow the Lord to show us that ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ are a very real and present danger that the 144,000 need to be aware of. Having this knowledge and acting on this knowledge allows scripture to be fulfilled.
We will begin in Revelation, chapter 12 which speaks about ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’. (See the upcoming chapter ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’)
Revelation 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (144,000) which brought forth the man child. (Multitude)
At first, looking at this verse, one would assume that the dragon somehow gets a hold of the 144,000 and persecutes her. That doesn’t sound like she gets away clean. We need to take a look at the definition at the word ‘persecute’.
Remember that within the definitions, all or many of the words will apply, or just one or a couple of words will apply. In the following definition, only two parts of the definition apply.
Persecuted 1377 dioko, dee-o'-ko a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute:--ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward.
From this definition ‘to pursue’ and ‘follow (after)’ applies. You will see that we are looking at context with what we know about the 144,000 and the process that will be put in place to identify the Multitude.
The definition for the word ‘pursue’ in the Oxford Dictionary is: follow (Someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.
‘To pursue' (Literally or figuratively) means that the dragon (‘The Scorpion Network’ comprised of the Scorpions and Serpents) is going to be following the woman (144,000) in order to catch her. As laid out previously, if she (144,000) has no boxes checked, the dragon can’t follow her. There is nothing to follow to catch her on.
Does the term ‘Follow me on Twitter’ ring a bell? The dragon can’t follow the woman because she is either not on Twitter and other social media sites, or if the woman does have social media sites, she doesn’t post any political posts that AI is looking for.
The dragon can’t ‘follow (after)’ her (144,000) for she has nothing to follow. She (144,000) is clean. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ can’t see her (144,000). The 144,000 are hidden or invisible from ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
The 144,000 could possibly be reported to the ‘See Something, Say Something’ network by a Scorpion. If that happens, their name will be input into their system. AI will do a search using the algorithm but will come up empty. That person is not a target of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ and the report is discarded. By not being seen as a target, they are protected. Let’s look at the next verse.
Revelation 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The woman (144,000) is given wings of an eagle and flies into the wilderness. This is a form of protection. There she is fed during the Tribulation. There she is hidden from the face of the serpent. (The Eyes of the Dragon) Let’s look a bit deeper to get an understanding of what the face of the serpent actually is.
Face 4383 prosopon, pros'-o-pon from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person:--(outward) appearance, X before, countenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence.
As you can see, this definition of face has the connotation of being in view. Let’s keep going.
4314 pros, prosa strengthened form of 4253; a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated):--about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
The under-definition of 4314 is the directing of someone’s attention towards something. 4314 (above) is combined with 3700 (below) where we find exactly what the face of the serpent is.
3700 optanomai, op-tan'-om-ahee to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from 991, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from 1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from a distance):--appear, look, see, shew self.
3700 is looking at something or someone with wide open eyes and a closer inspection, and watching from a distance.
Would that definition cover AI searching databases and facial recognition at rallies? Yes it does. Let’s keep going. There is more.
2300 theaomai, theh-ah'-om-ahee a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit:--behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700.
2334 theoreo, theh-o-reh'-o from a derivative of 2300 (perhaps by addition of 3708); to be a spectator of, i.e. discern, (literally, figuratively (experience) or intensively (acknowledge)):--behold, consider, look on, perceive, see. Compare 3700.
4648 skopeo, skop-eh'-o from 4649; to take aim at (spy), i.e. (figuratively) regard:--consider, take heed, look at (on), mark. Compare 3700.
There it is. The ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ is the ‘face of the serpent’ which tries to follow the woman but can’t see her because she has disappeared from his radar screen. But the Multitude is a different story. They are a solid object on that radar because of all the boxes that they have unknowingly checked.
Let’s look at another passage speaking about the Woman in the Wilderness.
Revelation 12:15, 16 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
We earlier looked at the dragon pursuing the woman, (144,000) and that entails looking at her for the threat that she represents in opposition to the beast system that is in place. The pursuit of the woman is what is noted in the above verse. The Serpent casts out of his mouth water ‘as a flood’ to catch the woman in that flood and carry her away.
What does the water represent? Look at what follows; “water as a flood”. It is not a flood but is as a flood. The earth then helps the woman by swallowing up that flood. Let’s look at this from what has been laid out and then I will recount a personal story that is a perfect example of what is spoken about in these passages.
The dragon pursues the woman. (The Scorpion Network examines each one of the 144,000)
The woman is given an escape and is hidden from the face of the serpent. ((The Scorpion Network can find no threat factors (Checked boxes) about each of the 144,000, and they disappear from the radar screen and cannot be seen by the eyes of the dragon))
The dragon sends water as a flood after the woman. (The Scorpion Network examines each one of the 144,000 and tries to catch them)
The earth helps the woman and swallows up the flood. (The Scorpion Network can find no threat factors (Checked boxes) about each of the 144,000 for they have removed themselves of anything that can be perceived as a threat to the beast system (Opposing political affiliation) and they disappear from the radar screen and cannot be seen by "The Eyes of the Dragon")
Now for the personal story that will give you a perfect example of what was just stated. The Lord will bring us through things in our personal lives to teach us how things should be. Here is just one example.
Several years ago, back in 2021 when the Lord began showing me what was happening. I felt a leading that I was supposed to remove my name from my local voting rolls. I was a registered republican. I went to the county clerk’s office and removed my name from the voter rolls. I then told my husband that I had done that.
It took awhile for him to come to the same conclusion, but after much study and prayer, he informed me that he was going to do the same. Earlier this year he went to the county clerk’s office. One of the clerks was busy at her desk when he walked up to the counter. She put her paperwork down and came to the counter. She asked my husband “May I help you?”
“May I help you?" is a very common phrase and is expected of someone that you are requesting service from. But this time, it was like a light bulb turning on.
In Revelation 12:16 where is says the earth helped the woman, we need to understand what the earth is. The earth is the environment in which we live. It is comprised of nature and all that is contained therein. This would include civilization and all of its components. From governmental agencies to businesses and workers that work at those businesses. From products that are produced, transportation, etc. You get the idea.
In recounting the personal story, we know that one of those checked boxes is being registered on the voter rolls. When the clerk (Earth) asked my husband “May I help you?”, the "earth helped the woman".
At the time when I removed myself from the voter rolls, I did not understand why I was to do that. I just knew that I needed to. Now I clearly understand why. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ can no longer see me or my husband. We are not a threat to what the dragon’s agenda is. The flood has been swallowed up by the earth.
There is another passage that we need to look at in Matthew 24.
Matthew 24:16-18 Then let them which be in Judaea (144,000 that need to separate from those things of the earth) flee (Two wings of an eagle) into the mountains (Wilderness): Let him which is on the housetop (144,000) not come down to take any thing out of his house: (Things of the earth – namely reliance on the governmental system – political affiliation) Neither let him (144,000) which is in the field return back to take his clothes. (Things of the earth – namely reliance on the governmental system – political affiliation)
Jesus is telling those that are in Judaea (The 144,000) to get out of the earthly systems. By removing ourselves from the voter rolls and all of the check marked items, the 144,000 are doing just that.
Remember what Paul tells us.
1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
Everything that is written about in the Bible is meant for ensamples. (Examples) They are written for our admonition. What does admonition mean?
Admonition 3559 nouthesia, noo-thes-ee'-ah from 3563 and a derivative of 5087; calling attention to, i.e. (by implication) mild rebuke or warning:--admonition.
3563 nous, nooce probably from the base of 1097; the intellect, i.e. mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by implication, meaning:--mind, understanding. Compare 5590.
1097 ginwskw ginoskoa prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed):--allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.
This means that the Old Testament was written for us. The New Testament was written for us. That means that we are to look at the whole Bible and take the things within it as a warning and for us to understand. The Books have been opened and we are understanding what they are telling us and we are heeding the warnings.
Let’s now look at the verse that follows the earth helping the woman and swallowing up the flood.
Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, ((The Serpents – the dragon beast system is furious because he (The Scorpion Network) – the dragon can’t see the woman (144,000)) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (Multitude) which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
There is a flood coming which the 144,000 escape, but will overtake The Multitude. We find that Matthew 24. Jesus warned them.
Matthew 24:37-42 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (This is the flood that will take the Multitude away) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, (Multitude is captured in ‘The Scorpion Network’) and the other left. (144,000 has escaped ‘The Scorpion Network’) Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, (Multitude is captured in ‘The Scorpion Network’) and the other left. (144,000 has escaped ‘The Scorpion Network’) Watch therefore: (144,000 are watching) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
This next verse will reiterate what we have just read about ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’ given a place of safety and not being seen by ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, (144,000) enter thou into thy chambers, (Given wings of an eagle to fly into the wilderness) and shut thy doors about thee: (Remove yourself from the earth’s political system allowing the earth to help the woman and swallow the flood) hide thyself (Make it so ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ doesn’t see you) as it were for a little moment, (Tribulation) until the indignation (The anger and wrath of the Lord against the Multitude) be overpast. (The Tribulation for the Multitude is over, the last of the Multitude have been executed)
Below you will find the definitions of the words located within that verse. Look through them and you will find that they resonate with the woman receiving two wings of an eagle and flying into the wilderness. You will also see within these definitions the earth helping the woman and swallowing up the flood. The 144,000 are concealed and hidden from ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Chambers 02315 cheder, kheh'-der from 2314; an apartment (usually literal):--((bed) inner)chamber, innermost(-ward) part, parlour, + south, X within.
02314 chadar, khaw-dar' a primitive root; properly, to inclose (as a room), i.e. (by analogy,) to beset (as in a siege):--enter a privy chamber.
Privy Chamber Oxford Dictionary noun: privy chamber; plural noun: privy chambers 1. a private apartment in a royal residence.
Shut 05462 cagar, saw-gar' a primitive root; to shut up; figuratively, to surrender:--close up, deliver (up), give over (up), inclose, X pure, repair, shut (in, self, out, up, up together), stop, X straitly.
Hide 02247 chabah, khaw-bah' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--hide (self).
02244 chaba', khaw-baw' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--X held, hide (self), do secretly.
02245 chabab, khaw-bab' a primitive root (compare 2244, 2247); properly, to hide (as in the bosom), i.e. to cherish (with affection):--love.
02247 chabah, khaw-bah' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--hide (self).
Moment 07281 rega`, reh'-gah from 7280. a wink (of the eyes), i.e. a very short space of time:--instant, moment, space, suddenly.
07280 raga`, raw-gah' a primitive root; properly, to toss violently and suddenly (the sea with waves, the skin with boils); figuratively (in a favorable manner) to settle, i.e. quiet; specifically, to wink (from the motion of the eye-lids):--break, divide, find ease, be a moment, (cause, give, make to) rest, make suddenly.
There is another verse that goes hand in hand with what we have looked at.
Amos 5:13 Therefore the prudent (144,000) shall keep silence (Stay out of the political area to be hidden from the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’) in that time; (Tribulation) for it is an evil time. (It is the time of the Dragon)
Within the Scriptures the Lord has given us the instructions on how we are to navigate within the Tribulation. The Lord tells us that He won’t do anything before He lets us know what is getting ready to happen.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, (The Tribulation) but he revealeth his secret (Gives us foreknowledge and fore warning - instructions) unto his servants the prophets. (144,000)
We truly have a Wonderful and True Savior and Lord!
With what the Lord has shown us pertaining to the Tribulation, we know the end result of the Lord’s indignation against the Multitude, the Serpents, and the Scorpions. The Lord uses the Scorpions and the Serpents to punish the Multitude and ultimately will result in the death of the Multitude.
The death of the Multitude will be the execution of that group of people that the Lord has designated. If the Multitude’s execution is their ultimate end, we need to look at the process that takes them to their execution.
For them to be executed, they will have to be under the control of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ which is comprised of the Scorpions under the direct control of the Serpents. What is that system or process that brings them to their execution? Before they are executed, they will need to be imprisoned. This would put them under the control of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ which brings them to the Serpents to do as they will.
For the Multitude to be imprisoned, they will need to be sentenced. For the Multitude to be sentenced, there have to be laws in place that they can be sentenced for. Those laws will designate them guilty of that law. This means that prior to imprisonment; they will be within the judicial system.
For the Multitude to be entangled in the judicial system, they will need to have broken the law or laws. When the Multitude breaks the law or laws, they will need to be brought to the attention of law enforcement. This is where the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ will raise its ugly head.
The Multitude will be brought to the attention of law enforcement by the Scorpions who turn them in. There is a system or process that has already been at work and by which this is done. Part of the system or process has already been established. The Serpents will be putting into place ‘The Scorpion Network’. That network will be connecting all of the dots and finalizing this system or process in the very near future. This system or process is what I have dubbed ‘The Scorpion Network’.
Some twelve to fifteen years ago the Lord was showing me different aspects about how the Multitude would be put into the process of persecution, prosecution, and their execution. The only answer to how the Multitude would enter into that system is that they would have to be labeled as a ‘domestic terrorist’. Being labeled a terrorist or namely a ‘domestic terrorist’, all constitutional rights of that individual are pushed aside.
When a person is arrested as a ‘domestic terrorist’, they do not have the constitutional rights. Habeas corpus is a right granted to everybody which is their right against illegal imprisonment. The Multitude will be ushered through the domestic terrorism process that will take away all of their rights. They have already done a test run on the January 6th offenders. Many sit in prison today for having done of the awful crime of just walking through the capitol.
We know that the processing of the Multitude is rooted in politics. It is a persons’ stand on one side or the other that will determine their fate. In watching the news (Fox News is the one to watch) you will see the divide that is currently happening. This is a battle between God and Satan that is being played out in our current political environment. The divide between the far left democrats and the right conservative republicans is clearly apparent and growing every day.
The pieces of this puzzle have already been coming together. There are just a few pieces left to be put in place for it to be operational. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ is soon to appear and has in fact already begun on a covert level. It will be an algorithm that is set in place to substantiate the positive identification of the Multitude which will be the enemy of the state. (The Beast – See the upcoming chapter “The Beast”)
It has been established that the alphabet agencies, i.e. DOJ, FBI, and others have been targeting people that are standing against the establishment. They are actively going after former President Trump, and ordinary citizens that stand up at school board meetings. The conservative movement, namely MAGA (Make America Great Again) republicans, and Christians are their current target.
If a person stands up or speaks out against trans-genderism or racism being taught in the schools, they are labeled a domestic terrorist. If a person is a supporter of former President Trump, they are labeled as a domestic terrorist. This is the vehicle that the ‘The Scorpion Network’ will be used to identify the Multitude. Once identified, the Multitude will be under the control of the Serpents who will then persecute, prosecute, and execute the Multitude.
The Multitude will be arrested and prosecuted under the label of ‘domestic terrorist. President Biden has stated on several occasions that the MAGA crowd and former President Trump are domestic terrorists. He also states that the MAGA movement is the greatest threat to the democracy of the United States.
When the Multitude is arrested as a domestic terrorist, they are in the ‘The Scorpion Network’ that will usher them towards their final fate, which is their execution. To be arrested, the Multitude has to be identified in some way to enter into the ‘The Scorpion Network’. Let’s take a look at how this will play out.
There will be a hotline number to call to report an offender. (Multitude) This number will be a national ‘See Something, Say Something’ phone number that a Scorpion will use to report a family member, friend, coworker, neighbor, etc. They will call into that number and give the person’s name and pertinent information that will then be documented. They will either receive a reward for calling in the person or they will be given that person’s property once convicted.
‘See Something, Say something’ originated when 9/11 occurred. It was instituted by the Department of Homeland Security for safety and security within our borders. If you see something awry or odd, such a person dropping a piece of luggage or backpack at an airport and walks away, say something to a law officer. It could be a bomb. It is a good thing to report something suspicious.
Under this campaign ‘See Something, Say Something’ you were to report to a local law enforcement agency or to a governmental agency. This advanced to the next step in September of 2023 by putting up 200 billboards along the New Jersey Turnpike promoting this campaign. The billboards didn’t have a local law enforcement phone number to call. It has a designated 800 number to call.
Breaking: This next event occurred after writing this chapter and is being added in as it is very relevant to this subject.
As a side note but very relevant, the same day that President Biden gave his speech, the Scorpion Network structure spoken about in chapter 9 ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ located in this book ‘A Wheel Within a Wheel’, was exposed.
It was brought out on the Jesse Watters show on Fox News that the largest FBI investigation concerning identification of the January 6th offenders were being identified by citizen investigators named ‘Sedition Hunters’. This will be the structure and framework described in chapter 9 ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Micah 7:2 The good man is perished out of the earth: and there is none upright among men: they (Serpents) all lie in wait for blood; (Killing of the Multitude) they (Scorpions) hunt every man his brother (Multitude) with a net.
Also, that same night, Sean Hannity on Fox News described the speech that President Biden delivered as his first presidential campaign speech as “venomous”. It was indeed an apt description and it proceeded out of the mouth of a Serpent who has all authority and power within the nest of vipers at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C.
The next step is to link this phone number to a national database network using AI to report a MAGA domestic terrorist. This will be on news channels across the country. This will be the phone number that a Scorpion will call to report who they are turning in.
There are some additional events that will need to transpire to make the national advertising of ‘See Something, Say Something’ acceptable to the everyday public. Just look at history, the government provides the solution to a manufactured problem or crisis. It is then acceptable. Some type of ‘domestic terrorism’ needs to occur to establish the threat, the crisis, which will then initiate the solution.
This perpetrator will likely be somebody that is a Trump follower or someone posing as one. This would be a black flag event(s) that will then demand a solution. The solution, in comes ‘See Something, Say Something’ with a national 800 number to call and report those evil MAGA domestic terrorists.
On December 5th, 2023 before a congressional committee FBI Director Christopher Wray said “he has never seen a time during his decades-long career when so many threats against the US were all as elevated as they are now, warning senators that he sees “blinking lights everywhere.” Hmmm. It appears the stage is now set for that to occur.
Once a Scorpion has called the 800 number, that report will proceed to the next stage. Their name will be input into a computer using an algorithm that will check that person’s affiliation using different criteria. AI (Artificial Intelligence) will be used to build a profile of the person they will be investigating.
On October 30, 2023 the current president issued an executive order taking overall control over how AI is to be used. They are citing safety concerns. We know where this is heading. The fox is in charge of the henhouse.
The criteria will consist of but not limited to the following:
1. Political affiliation. Are you registered to vote? Are you a registered republican? √
2. Are you on Social Media? Do you follow conservative leaders? Do you post political
views of a conservative nature? Are you on Truth Social? √
Facebook and former Twitter executives were working with the FBI to identify and silence conservative posts. This has been brought out by congressional committees. Jack Smith that is prosecuting Donald Trump has requested Twitter hand over all followers of Trump and anyone who in the past has retweeted Trump’s posts.
Anybody who posts anything against open borders (you are against underprivileged people that are escaping climate change), pornographic materials (you are against material that is to instruct your children) being taught in schools, the homeless taking over (you are against these poor underprivileged folks that can’t afford a home), you are against climate change (you are a denier and are facilitating the destruction of our planet), you are against high fuel prices and fossil fuel eradication (you are against the saving of our planet), your are against transgenderism (you are against peoples free choice), you are against inflation (you don’t believe in Bidenomics).
You get the picture. The divide that is happening in our country and throughout most of civilized societies is very apparent. This is a division of good and evil.
Isaiah 5:20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Is what is stated in Isaiah 5:20 happening right now? The Multitude will stand on the side of good, light, and sweet. In doing so, they will be demonized by those that are evil, dark, and bitter.
3. Do you belong to any right wing organizations, NRA or Constitutional groups? √
If you are a member of the NRA, you are an enemy of the state. Are you a member or follower of any Constitutional groups? Do you belong to ‘Moms for America’ standing up for Christian values being taught in our schools? You are a right wing, gun toting, and bible believing enemy of the state. The government can require the leaders of these organizations to hand over a list of their membership. Websites and computers that hold these lists can be hacked by AI. Nothing will be off limits from AI.
4. Do you donate to the Republican parties, its affiliates, or candidates? √
Your name is on their lists. The government has already attempted to demand the list of all members of the Republican Committee roster. How hard would it be for them to get those lists of members?
5. Do you have a Trump sign in your yard, or hang a Trump banner, or perhaps a
Trump bumper sticker on your vehicle? Do you wear a necklace with a cross? √
You will be a target by the extreme left if you support Trump.
6. Do you go to Trump rallies or conservative candidate rallies? √
When a person goes to any right political rally, they can be photographed or their face can be picked up in a video. Thousands of hours of video were gone through by investigators looking to identify those that were at the Capitol on January 6th. AI can go through video footage identifying faces to Driver License photos, Passport photos, and mug shots. AI can do these searches in minutes where it would take regular computers days.
7. Do you go to church? √
Your name is likely on their membership roster. How hard do you think it will be for the government to require pastors and preachers to hand over a list of their membership. How many will resist and how many will willingly do this? Currently, FEMA is recruiting pastors and preachers to be affiliated with FEMA in times of national emergency. Do you think they will willingly hand over their membership list?
Remember, judgement begins at the house of God. It is the Christians that are under the judgment of the Lord. This is the whole reason for the Tribulation; the separation of the wheat (Multitude) from the chaff. (Serpents and Scorpions)
8. Do you openly express your conservative views to family members, neighbors,
friends or co-workers? √
This is the most dangerous one. It is the family, friends, and co-workers that will be the ones (Scorpions) turning in the Multitude. Mother against daughter, father against son as stated in the Scriptures.
9. Do you speak up at your local city council meetings or school board meetings about
the issues?
The DOJ issued a memo earlier this year in 2023 telling local FBI law enforcement agencies to be on the lookout for parents speaking out at school board meetings. Those parents were to be labeled ‘Domestic Terrorists’.
The truth of the matter is the Multitude is not doing anything wrong as far as right and wrong is concerned. But they have done something wrong against God. They have forsaken Him and His laws and followed after other gods. They are looking for the ‘savior of America’ to win the next presidential election. They are rooted in the things of this world and not looking to the True Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.
How many checkmarks apply to you? Most if not all of the 144,000 will have either not participated in any of those items listed, or they will have come away from them. It is each one of those areas that the ‘Eyes of the Dragon will be looking’.
As soon as a Scorpion calls in a reports a person, that person (Multitude) will be caught in the net of the Lord headed for judgement. Their name will be entered into the ‘The Scorpion Network’ and this is where AI will come into play. AI will begin a search of that persons’ name in databases seeing if they are a registered republican or independent on their local voter rolls.
AI will search their social media accounts for any political posts, bank and credit card records for donations to political parties or purchases of guns or survival items, and church membership. AI will do searches of videos taken at any Trump rallies or conservative political gatherings for that person’s presence. The more boxes that are check, the higher the value of the target that they are investigating. The Multitude will likely have six to eight boxes checked.
How many boxes do you check? Most if not all of the 144,000 will have disassociated with each one of those areas. If you haven’t, time is of the essence. Delete social media accounts and start new ones without any political talk. Remove yourself from the voter rolls. Contact any organization you may belong to and get removed off their mailing list. We need to be wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.
Once the search on that person has concluded, the report will advance to the next stage; arrest or indictment for being a domestic terrorist. They will then be arrested, tried and convicted, and thrown into prison (Re-education Camp as stated by Hillary Clinton) to await their ultimate fate of execution.
At the point of their entering into the net of the ‘The Scorpion Network’, they will question ‘Where is God?” At that point, they will be willing to listen to what the 144,000 have to tell them.
The national media (False Prophet – see the upcoming chapter ‘The False Prophet’) is in a panic right now with the current poll numbers showing Trump rising in the polls and Biden falling way down. The democrat pundits are now openly stating that they (The far left Democrat party) will do whatever it takes to keep Trump from being reelected.
They have brought 4 indictments (See the upcoming chapter ‘For Three Transgressions, and Four and listen to the series ‘For Three Transgressions, and Four' on this website) against Trump and eventually he will be convicted and cast into prison as he is the leader of the Multitude. They have tried to remove Trump from the ballot in several states. But that didn’t work. They are getting desperate and are becoming dangerous.
Trump has stated “They are not coming after me, they are coming after you. And I am standing in the way.” They indeed will be coming after Trump followers. There has been solid evidence that they will be doing just that. Listen to the ‘Reading the Map’ series for newspaper articles, government statements, and sound clips to substantiate the truth of where this is heading and what they want to accomplish.
They will do this by taking out anybody that opposes them; for they (Trump and the Multitude) are against democracy. Their ultimate goal is to remove all opposition. That would be Trump and his followers. Anybody that may or will vote for Trump is a target.
The ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ which identifies the Multitude and which can’t see the 144,000 is what the focus of this chapter is. It has just been laid out how the Multitude is turned in and identified as a domestic terrorist. How is the 144,000 not seen by the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’?
Let’s go to scripture and allow the Lord to show us that ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ are a very real and present danger that the 144,000 need to be aware of. Having this knowledge and acting on this knowledge allows scripture to be fulfilled.
We will begin in Revelation, chapter 12 which speaks about ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’. (See the upcoming chapter ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’)
Revelation 12:13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman (144,000) which brought forth the man child. (Multitude)
At first, looking at this verse, one would assume that the dragon somehow gets a hold of the 144,000 and persecutes her. That doesn’t sound like she gets away clean. We need to take a look at the definition at the word ‘persecute’.
Remember that within the definitions, all or many of the words will apply, or just one or a couple of words will apply. In the following definition, only two parts of the definition apply.
Persecuted 1377 dioko, dee-o'-ko a prolonged (and causative) form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169 and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication, to persecute:--ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer) persecute(-ion), press forward.
From this definition ‘to pursue’ and ‘follow (after)’ applies. You will see that we are looking at context with what we know about the 144,000 and the process that will be put in place to identify the Multitude.
The definition for the word ‘pursue’ in the Oxford Dictionary is: follow (Someone or something) in order to catch or attack them.
‘To pursue' (Literally or figuratively) means that the dragon (‘The Scorpion Network’ comprised of the Scorpions and Serpents) is going to be following the woman (144,000) in order to catch her. As laid out previously, if she (144,000) has no boxes checked, the dragon can’t follow her. There is nothing to follow to catch her on.
Does the term ‘Follow me on Twitter’ ring a bell? The dragon can’t follow the woman because she is either not on Twitter and other social media sites, or if the woman does have social media sites, she doesn’t post any political posts that AI is looking for.
The dragon can’t ‘follow (after)’ her (144,000) for she has nothing to follow. She (144,000) is clean. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ can’t see her (144,000). The 144,000 are hidden or invisible from ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
The 144,000 could possibly be reported to the ‘See Something, Say Something’ network by a Scorpion. If that happens, their name will be input into their system. AI will do a search using the algorithm but will come up empty. That person is not a target of the ‘The Scorpion Network’ and the report is discarded. By not being seen as a target, they are protected. Let’s look at the next verse.
Revelation 12:14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.
The woman (144,000) is given wings of an eagle and flies into the wilderness. This is a form of protection. There she is fed during the Tribulation. There she is hidden from the face of the serpent. (The Eyes of the Dragon) Let’s look a bit deeper to get an understanding of what the face of the serpent actually is.
Face 4383 prosopon, pros'-o-pon from 4314 and ops (the visage, from 3700); the front (as being towards view), i.e. the countenance, aspect, appearance, surface; by implication, presence, person:--(outward) appearance, X before, countenance, face, fashion, (men's) person, presence.
As you can see, this definition of face has the connotation of being in view. Let’s keep going.
4314 pros, prosa strengthened form of 4253; a preposition of direction; forward to, i.e. toward (with the genitive case, the side of, i.e. pertaining to; with the dative case, by the side of, i.e. near to; usually with the accusative case, the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, i.e. whither or for which it is predicated):--about, according to , against, among, at, because of, before, between, (where-)by, for, X at thy house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), X together, to (you) -ward, unto, with(-in). In the comparative case, it denotes essentially the same applications, namely, motion towards, accession to, or nearness at.
The under-definition of 4314 is the directing of someone’s attention towards something. 4314 (above) is combined with 3700 (below) where we find exactly what the face of the serpent is.
3700 optanomai, op-tan'-om-ahee to gaze (i.e. with wide-open eyes, as at something remarkable; and thus differing from 991, which denotes simply voluntary observation; and from 1492, which expresses merely mechanical, passive or casual vision; while 2300, and still more emphatically its intensive 2334, signifies an earnest but more continued inspection; and 4648 a watching from a distance):--appear, look, see, shew self.
3700 is looking at something or someone with wide open eyes and a closer inspection, and watching from a distance.
Would that definition cover AI searching databases and facial recognition at rallies? Yes it does. Let’s keep going. There is more.
2300 theaomai, theh-ah'-om-ahee a prolonged form of a primary verb; to look closely at, i.e. (by implication) perceive (literally or figuratively); by extension to visit:--behold, look (upon), see. Compare 3700.
2334 theoreo, theh-o-reh'-o from a derivative of 2300 (perhaps by addition of 3708); to be a spectator of, i.e. discern, (literally, figuratively (experience) or intensively (acknowledge)):--behold, consider, look on, perceive, see. Compare 3700.
4648 skopeo, skop-eh'-o from 4649; to take aim at (spy), i.e. (figuratively) regard:--consider, take heed, look at (on), mark. Compare 3700.
There it is. The ‘Eyes of the Dragon’ is the ‘face of the serpent’ which tries to follow the woman but can’t see her because she has disappeared from his radar screen. But the Multitude is a different story. They are a solid object on that radar because of all the boxes that they have unknowingly checked.
Let’s look at another passage speaking about the Woman in the Wilderness.
Revelation 12:15, 16 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.
We earlier looked at the dragon pursuing the woman, (144,000) and that entails looking at her for the threat that she represents in opposition to the beast system that is in place. The pursuit of the woman is what is noted in the above verse. The Serpent casts out of his mouth water ‘as a flood’ to catch the woman in that flood and carry her away.
What does the water represent? Look at what follows; “water as a flood”. It is not a flood but is as a flood. The earth then helps the woman by swallowing up that flood. Let’s look at this from what has been laid out and then I will recount a personal story that is a perfect example of what is spoken about in these passages.
The dragon pursues the woman. (The Scorpion Network examines each one of the 144,000)
The woman is given an escape and is hidden from the face of the serpent. ((The Scorpion Network can find no threat factors (Checked boxes) about each of the 144,000, and they disappear from the radar screen and cannot be seen by the eyes of the dragon))
The dragon sends water as a flood after the woman. (The Scorpion Network examines each one of the 144,000 and tries to catch them)
The earth helps the woman and swallows up the flood. (The Scorpion Network can find no threat factors (Checked boxes) about each of the 144,000 for they have removed themselves of anything that can be perceived as a threat to the beast system (Opposing political affiliation) and they disappear from the radar screen and cannot be seen by "The Eyes of the Dragon")
Now for the personal story that will give you a perfect example of what was just stated. The Lord will bring us through things in our personal lives to teach us how things should be. Here is just one example.
Several years ago, back in 2021 when the Lord began showing me what was happening. I felt a leading that I was supposed to remove my name from my local voting rolls. I was a registered republican. I went to the county clerk’s office and removed my name from the voter rolls. I then told my husband that I had done that.
It took awhile for him to come to the same conclusion, but after much study and prayer, he informed me that he was going to do the same. Earlier this year he went to the county clerk’s office. One of the clerks was busy at her desk when he walked up to the counter. She put her paperwork down and came to the counter. She asked my husband “May I help you?”
“May I help you?" is a very common phrase and is expected of someone that you are requesting service from. But this time, it was like a light bulb turning on.
In Revelation 12:16 where is says the earth helped the woman, we need to understand what the earth is. The earth is the environment in which we live. It is comprised of nature and all that is contained therein. This would include civilization and all of its components. From governmental agencies to businesses and workers that work at those businesses. From products that are produced, transportation, etc. You get the idea.
In recounting the personal story, we know that one of those checked boxes is being registered on the voter rolls. When the clerk (Earth) asked my husband “May I help you?”, the "earth helped the woman".
At the time when I removed myself from the voter rolls, I did not understand why I was to do that. I just knew that I needed to. Now I clearly understand why. ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ can no longer see me or my husband. We are not a threat to what the dragon’s agenda is. The flood has been swallowed up by the earth.
There is another passage that we need to look at in Matthew 24.
Matthew 24:16-18 Then let them which be in Judaea (144,000 that need to separate from those things of the earth) flee (Two wings of an eagle) into the mountains (Wilderness): Let him which is on the housetop (144,000) not come down to take any thing out of his house: (Things of the earth – namely reliance on the governmental system – political affiliation) Neither let him (144,000) which is in the field return back to take his clothes. (Things of the earth – namely reliance on the governmental system – political affiliation)
Jesus is telling those that are in Judaea (The 144,000) to get out of the earthly systems. By removing ourselves from the voter rolls and all of the check marked items, the 144,000 are doing just that.
Remember what Paul tells us.
1 Corinthians 10:11 Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
Everything that is written about in the Bible is meant for ensamples. (Examples) They are written for our admonition. What does admonition mean?
Admonition 3559 nouthesia, noo-thes-ee'-ah from 3563 and a derivative of 5087; calling attention to, i.e. (by implication) mild rebuke or warning:--admonition.
3563 nous, nooce probably from the base of 1097; the intellect, i.e. mind (divine or human; in thought, feeling, or will); by implication, meaning:--mind, understanding. Compare 5590.
1097 ginwskw ginoskoa prolonged form of a primary verb; to "know" (absolutely) in a great variety of applications and with many implications (as follow, with others not thus clearly expressed):--allow, be aware (of), feel, (have) know(-ledge), perceived, be resolved, can speak, be sure, understand.
This means that the Old Testament was written for us. The New Testament was written for us. That means that we are to look at the whole Bible and take the things within it as a warning and for us to understand. The Books have been opened and we are understanding what they are telling us and we are heeding the warnings.
Let’s now look at the verse that follows the earth helping the woman and swallowing up the flood.
Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, ((The Serpents – the dragon beast system is furious because he (The Scorpion Network) – the dragon can’t see the woman (144,000)) and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, (Multitude) which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
There is a flood coming which the 144,000 escape, but will overtake The Multitude. We find that Matthew 24. Jesus warned them.
Matthew 24:37-42 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (This is the flood that will take the Multitude away) Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, (Multitude is captured in ‘The Scorpion Network’) and the other left. (144,000 has escaped ‘The Scorpion Network’) Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, (Multitude is captured in ‘The Scorpion Network’) and the other left. (144,000 has escaped ‘The Scorpion Network’) Watch therefore: (144,000 are watching) for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.
This next verse will reiterate what we have just read about ‘The Woman in the Wilderness’ given a place of safety and not being seen by ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Isaiah 26:20 Come, my people, (144,000) enter thou into thy chambers, (Given wings of an eagle to fly into the wilderness) and shut thy doors about thee: (Remove yourself from the earth’s political system allowing the earth to help the woman and swallow the flood) hide thyself (Make it so ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’ doesn’t see you) as it were for a little moment, (Tribulation) until the indignation (The anger and wrath of the Lord against the Multitude) be overpast. (The Tribulation for the Multitude is over, the last of the Multitude have been executed)
Below you will find the definitions of the words located within that verse. Look through them and you will find that they resonate with the woman receiving two wings of an eagle and flying into the wilderness. You will also see within these definitions the earth helping the woman and swallowing up the flood. The 144,000 are concealed and hidden from ‘The Eyes of the Dragon’.
Chambers 02315 cheder, kheh'-der from 2314; an apartment (usually literal):--((bed) inner)chamber, innermost(-ward) part, parlour, + south, X within.
02314 chadar, khaw-dar' a primitive root; properly, to inclose (as a room), i.e. (by analogy,) to beset (as in a siege):--enter a privy chamber.
Privy Chamber Oxford Dictionary noun: privy chamber; plural noun: privy chambers 1. a private apartment in a royal residence.
Shut 05462 cagar, saw-gar' a primitive root; to shut up; figuratively, to surrender:--close up, deliver (up), give over (up), inclose, X pure, repair, shut (in, self, out, up, up together), stop, X straitly.
Hide 02247 chabah, khaw-bah' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--hide (self).
02244 chaba', khaw-baw' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--X held, hide (self), do secretly.
02245 chabab, khaw-bab' a primitive root (compare 2244, 2247); properly, to hide (as in the bosom), i.e. to cherish (with affection):--love.
02247 chabah, khaw-bah' a primitive root (compare 2245); to secrete:--hide (self).
Moment 07281 rega`, reh'-gah from 7280. a wink (of the eyes), i.e. a very short space of time:--instant, moment, space, suddenly.
07280 raga`, raw-gah' a primitive root; properly, to toss violently and suddenly (the sea with waves, the skin with boils); figuratively (in a favorable manner) to settle, i.e. quiet; specifically, to wink (from the motion of the eye-lids):--break, divide, find ease, be a moment, (cause, give, make to) rest, make suddenly.
There is another verse that goes hand in hand with what we have looked at.
Amos 5:13 Therefore the prudent (144,000) shall keep silence (Stay out of the political area to be hidden from the ‘Eyes of the Dragon’) in that time; (Tribulation) for it is an evil time. (It is the time of the Dragon)
Within the Scriptures the Lord has given us the instructions on how we are to navigate within the Tribulation. The Lord tells us that He won’t do anything before He lets us know what is getting ready to happen.
Amos 3:7 Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, (The Tribulation) but he revealeth his secret (Gives us foreknowledge and fore warning - instructions) unto his servants the prophets. (144,000)
We truly have a Wonderful and True Savior and Lord!
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