Act 1 Scene 4 Part 5
The Fourth Beast
All of their heads continue to be affixed upon the white horse with its rider and the man standing next to him. You hear a faint squeak in the distance. You hear another squeak, this one closer. It sounds familiar. It sounds like a squeaky wheel as it get louder and louder. You realize it is the same squeaky wheel you heard earlier. They didn’t get oil on that wheel yet!
That is when you hear another roar. This one is very different. It is nothing like what you have ever heard. You have watched many nature shows and wildlife shows and heard all sorts of animal sounds; but, never a sound like this one.
Coming up the aisle was platform with a cage pushed forward by two stagehands. It was the same cage as before. But this cage was holding an animal that you have never seen before. It was obviously an animated animal because this couldn’t be a real animal. The special effects are incredible. It looks real. This animal or beast in this cage has seven heads. One of the heads had bandages on it but was looking alive.
The body of this beast had the body of the muscular black panther that was seated on the stage. Its feet were bear’s feet like the feet of the bear that was on stage that were brown with a reddish tinge color. You notice the nails of this bear’s feet are protruding through its dun colored, reddish hair. Its nails look like brass.
That is when you notice that the floor of the cage is littered with wheat heads. The wheat heads look like they have been stomped on repeatedly. A number of the wheat kernels had separated from the heads and were strewn across the floor of the cage.
The mouth of this beast was like the mouth of the lion that was seated on the stage, but was more ferocious looking. It had its teeth bared like it was ready to strike. As you looked at the teeth of this lion mouth, you see that they are not like regular teeth. This lion’s teeth were metal. They were a dull gray color which looked like they were steel. Yet the steel had what looked like rust on them. Perhaps they are iron?
On each of the seven heads that was upon it, was a horn and there was a crown on each horn. There were another 3 horns with crowns upon them that were laying on the floor of the cage. There was also another little horn behind these seven heads. This was one strange looking beast. Each of the heads moved in unison with each other. They all seemed to be staring at the center of the stage.
This beast looked very powerful and formidable. It continued to let out that hideous roar. As the stagehands pushed the cage with the squeaky wheel up the ramp, you are able to see the faces of the ones being approached by the cage with this beast in it
The white horse with the rider upon it and the man standing next to it, have looks of fear upon their faces. The horse’s eyes are wide and have a look of fear. All three of them, the white horse, its rider, and the man standing next to the horse are fidgeting and looking very nervous.
As the cage with this beast is pushed around these three, all seven of the heads are glaring at these three. The stagehands push the cage to the rear of these three, spin the cage around, and set it next to the donnish- gray and bay colored horses.
The stage hands appear to be loosening something at the bottom of the four corners of the cage. They open the front door of the cage exposing this beast to freedom from the cage. They slide the cage backwards off the platform and slide it to the rear of the platform. They close the door and proceed to exit off the stage. Again, there is a look of relief on their faces as they glance back while hurrying to their exit.
The seven heads of this beast are now all affixed upon the white horse, its rider, and the man standing next to the white horse. You can hear a low, guttural growl emanating from this beast.
That is when you hear another roar. This one is very different. It is nothing like what you have ever heard. You have watched many nature shows and wildlife shows and heard all sorts of animal sounds; but, never a sound like this one.
Coming up the aisle was platform with a cage pushed forward by two stagehands. It was the same cage as before. But this cage was holding an animal that you have never seen before. It was obviously an animated animal because this couldn’t be a real animal. The special effects are incredible. It looks real. This animal or beast in this cage has seven heads. One of the heads had bandages on it but was looking alive.
The body of this beast had the body of the muscular black panther that was seated on the stage. Its feet were bear’s feet like the feet of the bear that was on stage that were brown with a reddish tinge color. You notice the nails of this bear’s feet are protruding through its dun colored, reddish hair. Its nails look like brass.
That is when you notice that the floor of the cage is littered with wheat heads. The wheat heads look like they have been stomped on repeatedly. A number of the wheat kernels had separated from the heads and were strewn across the floor of the cage.
The mouth of this beast was like the mouth of the lion that was seated on the stage, but was more ferocious looking. It had its teeth bared like it was ready to strike. As you looked at the teeth of this lion mouth, you see that they are not like regular teeth. This lion’s teeth were metal. They were a dull gray color which looked like they were steel. Yet the steel had what looked like rust on them. Perhaps they are iron?
On each of the seven heads that was upon it, was a horn and there was a crown on each horn. There were another 3 horns with crowns upon them that were laying on the floor of the cage. There was also another little horn behind these seven heads. This was one strange looking beast. Each of the heads moved in unison with each other. They all seemed to be staring at the center of the stage.
This beast looked very powerful and formidable. It continued to let out that hideous roar. As the stagehands pushed the cage with the squeaky wheel up the ramp, you are able to see the faces of the ones being approached by the cage with this beast in it
The white horse with the rider upon it and the man standing next to it, have looks of fear upon their faces. The horse’s eyes are wide and have a look of fear. All three of them, the white horse, its rider, and the man standing next to the horse are fidgeting and looking very nervous.
As the cage with this beast is pushed around these three, all seven of the heads are glaring at these three. The stagehands push the cage to the rear of these three, spin the cage around, and set it next to the donnish- gray and bay colored horses.
The stage hands appear to be loosening something at the bottom of the four corners of the cage. They open the front door of the cage exposing this beast to freedom from the cage. They slide the cage backwards off the platform and slide it to the rear of the platform. They close the door and proceed to exit off the stage. Again, there is a look of relief on their faces as they glance back while hurrying to their exit.
The seven heads of this beast are now all affixed upon the white horse, its rider, and the man standing next to the white horse. You can hear a low, guttural growl emanating from this beast.
The Book (Bible)
The Book (Bible) explains that this fourth beast which is Dreadful and Terrible is the fourth beast of Daniel.
Daniel 7:7, 8 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, (Serpents and Scorpions) dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron (Scorpions) teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: (Serpents and Scorpions) and it was diverse (Because it is not a single group but the combination of two groups. Namely the Serpents and Scorpions) from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. (The directors of the ten FEMA regions) I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, (Current US President) before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: (3 FEMA directors will refuse to participate (1/3rd) and will be removed and replaced) and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. (Because it is a man, the leader of the Serpents)
Daniel 7:19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, (Serpents and Scorpions) which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, (Scorpions) and his nails of brass; (Serpents) which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue (Multitude) with his feet;
The Book (Bible) tells you that what is portrayed by this fourth beast is the construct of the Serpents and the Scorpions (The Beast) that will stamp out the Multitude. The iron teeth are referring to the Scorpions. The nails of brass are referring to the Serpents. Both, iron and brass are metaphorical identifications of the Scorpions and Serpents respectively.
Jeremiah 6:28 They are all grievous revolters, (Serpents and Scorpions) walking with slanders: they are brass (Serpents) and iron; (Scorpions) they (Serpents and Scorpions) are all corrupters.
The Book (Bible) explains that the ten horns are ten powers or positions that are within the power structure of the beast (Serpents). These ten powers or positions fit the ten FEMA regions within the US. Each FEMA region has a director. The crown that is upon each horn signifies the control each one has been granted.
The wheat (Multitude) that was laying on the bottom of the cage was representative of the residue under the feet of this beast in Daniel 7. The Serpents and the Scorpions tread underfoot the Multitude which has as one of its metaphorical identifications, wheat.
The three horns with crowns laying on the floor of the cage signify that there will be three of the ten FEMA Directors that will not go along with the plan to house the Multitude in their prisons or camps and execute them. They will be removed from their positions, hence three horns are plucked out by their roots.
The little horn that comes up behind the 10 horns is a seat of power that directs the ten horns and seven heads to move in unison to destroy the Multitude. That seat of power is the seat of the President of the United States. He (Biden) is the ultimate authority (Chief Executive Officer, Commander in Chief) over all powers within this country that will work in unison to achieve their goal. That goal is driven by Satan himself to destroy the men and women of God which we know as the Multitude.
The Book (Bible) explains that this fourth beast of Daniel is the same beast describe in Revelation, chapter 13 that rises up out of the sea. (The sea of Babylon which is the apostate modern day church)
Revelation 13:1-3 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast (Serpents and Scorpions) rise up out of the sea, (The sea of Babylon which is the apostate modern day church) having seven heads (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, The Kingdom of Heaven) and ten horns, (Ten FEMA Directors) and upon his horns ten crowns, (The power and authority of the ten FEMA Directors) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, (Scorpions) and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (Serpents) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (Serpents and Scorpions) and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (Was once defeated at the cross but is now brought back to life) and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The Book (Bible) tells us that this beast that rises up out of the sea is the Serpents and Scorpions within this beast construct rising out of the church. The church has within it the aspects of the seven kingdoms described earlier in the play. The ten horns with crowns represent the ten FEMA Directors.
The body of the leopard (Scorpions), feet of a bear (Serpents) ties together this beast and the beasts of Daniel, chapter 7 together as one beast. The mouth of a lion (Serpents and Scorpions) is portrayed as the two lions that appear after this beast in the play.
The bandaged head that then appeared to have been healed and is alive is referring to the head which is the ‘Kingdom of God’. Satan, the Serpents and Scorpions of that day were defeated when Jesus died on the cross.
They have now been resurrected, so to speak, and have come back to life within the modern day apostate church. They will repeat what was done to Jesus using the Multitude in the place of Jesus. Satan and his minions, the Serpents and Scorpions are back at work to crucify the Christians, the Multitude.
Daniel 7:7, 8 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, (Serpents and Scorpions) dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron (Scorpions) teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: (Serpents and Scorpions) and it was diverse (Because it is not a single group but the combination of two groups. Namely the Serpents and Scorpions) from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns. (The directors of the ten FEMA regions) I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, (Current US President) before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: (3 FEMA directors will refuse to participate (1/3rd) and will be removed and replaced) and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. (Because it is a man, the leader of the Serpents)
Daniel 7:19 Then I would know the truth of the fourth beast, (Serpents and Scorpions) which was diverse from all the others, exceeding dreadful, whose teeth were of iron, (Scorpions) and his nails of brass; (Serpents) which devoured, brake in pieces, and stamped the residue (Multitude) with his feet;
The Book (Bible) tells you that what is portrayed by this fourth beast is the construct of the Serpents and the Scorpions (The Beast) that will stamp out the Multitude. The iron teeth are referring to the Scorpions. The nails of brass are referring to the Serpents. Both, iron and brass are metaphorical identifications of the Scorpions and Serpents respectively.
Jeremiah 6:28 They are all grievous revolters, (Serpents and Scorpions) walking with slanders: they are brass (Serpents) and iron; (Scorpions) they (Serpents and Scorpions) are all corrupters.
The Book (Bible) explains that the ten horns are ten powers or positions that are within the power structure of the beast (Serpents). These ten powers or positions fit the ten FEMA regions within the US. Each FEMA region has a director. The crown that is upon each horn signifies the control each one has been granted.
The wheat (Multitude) that was laying on the bottom of the cage was representative of the residue under the feet of this beast in Daniel 7. The Serpents and the Scorpions tread underfoot the Multitude which has as one of its metaphorical identifications, wheat.
The three horns with crowns laying on the floor of the cage signify that there will be three of the ten FEMA Directors that will not go along with the plan to house the Multitude in their prisons or camps and execute them. They will be removed from their positions, hence three horns are plucked out by their roots.
The little horn that comes up behind the 10 horns is a seat of power that directs the ten horns and seven heads to move in unison to destroy the Multitude. That seat of power is the seat of the President of the United States. He (Biden) is the ultimate authority (Chief Executive Officer, Commander in Chief) over all powers within this country that will work in unison to achieve their goal. That goal is driven by Satan himself to destroy the men and women of God which we know as the Multitude.
The Book (Bible) explains that this fourth beast of Daniel is the same beast describe in Revelation, chapter 13 that rises up out of the sea. (The sea of Babylon which is the apostate modern day church)
Revelation 13:1-3 And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast (Serpents and Scorpions) rise up out of the sea, (The sea of Babylon which is the apostate modern day church) having seven heads (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, The Kingdom of Heaven) and ten horns, (Ten FEMA Directors) and upon his horns ten crowns, (The power and authority of the ten FEMA Directors) and upon his heads the name of blasphemy. And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, (Scorpions) and his feet were as the feet of a bear, (Serpents) and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: (Serpents and Scorpions) and the dragon (Satan) gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; (Was once defeated at the cross but is now brought back to life) and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.
The Book (Bible) tells us that this beast that rises up out of the sea is the Serpents and Scorpions within this beast construct rising out of the church. The church has within it the aspects of the seven kingdoms described earlier in the play. The ten horns with crowns represent the ten FEMA Directors.
The body of the leopard (Scorpions), feet of a bear (Serpents) ties together this beast and the beasts of Daniel, chapter 7 together as one beast. The mouth of a lion (Serpents and Scorpions) is portrayed as the two lions that appear after this beast in the play.
The bandaged head that then appeared to have been healed and is alive is referring to the head which is the ‘Kingdom of God’. Satan, the Serpents and Scorpions of that day were defeated when Jesus died on the cross.
They have now been resurrected, so to speak, and have come back to life within the modern day apostate church. They will repeat what was done to Jesus using the Multitude in the place of Jesus. Satan and his minions, the Serpents and Scorpions are back at work to crucify the Christians, the Multitude.
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